2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


hell yeah inject that hopium straight into my veins


Kennedy with the carcass of a black-bear cub, in 2014. “Maybe that’s where I got my brain worm,” he said.

Off-topic but I barely recognized Jeffrey Tambor there without his voice since my introduction to him was via Arrested Development.

Which is weirder / more damaging for your election prospects?
  • Picking up the dead bear carcass you hit with your car and abandoning it in Central Park.
  • Picking up a dead bear carcass that someone else hit and abandoning it in Central Park.
0 voters

Picking up a large game carcass isn’t really that weird in some places and for some people, but RFK JR does not strike me as a person for whom that is a normal thing. Dumping it in Central Park is just strange, regardless of who you are.

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I mean IF you found yourself uptown with a bear carcass that needed immediate disposal, then dumping it in the park isn’t the least likely idea I guess. Probably better then then dumping it in the street? But mocking it up to look like a hit and run bike accident is truly deranged. This man is truly made of remarkable stuff.



And it’s not even the worst voluntary autobiographical admission of this election cycle

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Yes. I only borrow catchphrases from the very best.

Full Disclosure: I have returned from my two-week “vacation” that was graciously awarded to me by the fine moderators.

Oh he’s “hey now” Hank kinsley to me first and foremost.







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Something that this election will reveal is that waiting until late July to announce your candidate is actually this one weird trick that helps your party win the Presidency.


god can you imagine how wonderful society will be if they actually learn this lesson and we avoid the 40-month election hype cycle next time?


The Humphrey precedent is a data point against, but I’m also not under the impression that pre-presidency Nixon was nearly as widely reviled of an opponent. And Humphrey only lost the popular vote by about 1%.

Looks like Nixon took a polling lead in mid-August and led most polls (none by huge margins) the rest of the way.

If they have data that says Shapiro delivers PA and doesn’t hurt too much in other states then I really can’t fault them for going with him.


Humphrey, perhaps only half-jokingly, quipped that he would have won the election if he had followed Nixon’s lead and accepted the invitation by NBC to appear briefly on the popular TV show Laugh-In.


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