2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



I think a key difference is that Trumps act was novel and legitimately funny at times in 2016. Basically everyone other than total freaks is sick of his shit now. And Kamala is just insanely more likable than Hillary if for no other reason than she can be funny. And it’s not fair and shouldn’t matter but she’s better looking.

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True. But she should def tone down the self-humoring at the zing lines. Obama is so much better at laying down the line and staying dead-pan. Part of good humor is allowing the recipient to understand it. Not going “Please clap” mode.
Saying this in a forum full of folk who have played a bunch of live poker, right…?

I like her delivery. Her smiles and laughs are launching a thousand lawn mowers. Keep it coming, imo.


The smiling is good. It is such refreshing contrast to the “two old white guys” vibe.


Yeah, her smiling and laughing does not come across as pre-calculated really, which is the thing you want to avoid. By politician standards (not a small caveat), her personality during speeches comes across as genuine. If I’m right that the smiling and laughing is mostly organic, the last thing I’d want to do is coach her out of it.

Someone call in a wellness check on Hokie.

Outside of “she should be running”, no.

Have people really never seen this meme before?


Oh come on. “Little Marco” was funny.

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Now everyone’s becoming Trump fans. wtf.

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Like watch this. Hillary was possibly the least authentic candidate ever. Kamala is in a different universe.

Kam still a bit of a scripted feel. Way better than Hill tho.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Kam is looking strong, but there’s def a scripted feel to the joke/zinger lines.

Yeah it almost feels like someone wrote them down at some point

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So her delivery needs to be better. Got it.

It’s a stump speech; of course there’s a scripted feel. This isn’t a new Kamala Harris thing in the slightest. If you follow most politicians from stop to stop, you’re going to hear them trot out the same lines over and over again. Getting away from traditional stumping and including a significant amount of riffing like what Trump does is a really bad idea because she won’t get the same pass on a gaffe that would land in about the 10th percentile of the shit Trump says.



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Kids hate dogs and love suicide


What are you supposed to do if you can’t have a dog?

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Trump holds his 95th consecutive rally where he talks about being electrocuted and eaten by sharks.

America: “Wow, this speech by Kamala feels really scripted. Also, shes pretty shrill, amiright?”