2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The more I watch it the more I think they were trying to hit Trump for manipulating the vote on the bipartisan immigration bill, but that’s because I already know Trump did that.

I think they should have been more clear about that. I get they are trying to dumb it down but in this case, they could have emphasized Trump’s influence and how he tanked the bill in a dumbed down way that actually says “he tanked the bill” or “it’s Trump’s fault this didn’t pass”

She talked about this on the stump too. The primary hit is that he killed a bill that had been agreed upon because he only cares about himself. She didn’t go on super long about it, but it was clearer in the speech than in the ad.

How Does Kamala Maximize Her Chances of Winning the Election?
  • Kamala should never talk about immigration or the border no matter what Trump says about the border and her position on it
  • Kamala should match Trump’s position so that he has no room to attack her
  • Kamala should take the most popular position among American voters and then attack Trump’s for being unpopular
  • Kamala should adopt an unpopular but moral position and spend a bunch of energy convincing people that she is correct
0 voters
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This is the mafia conspiracy or something else?

The details really don’t matter. Immigration is a losing issue for democrats. Kamala isn’t going to turn it into a winner.

She should avoid talking about it unless directly asked. Spending money on ads is lolbad. There are plenty of ways to appear more centrist if that’s what she’s trying to do.

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You didn’t specify in the poll how much or how often.

I don’t think it should be a tentpole issue, but she also cannot ignore it and let Trump drive the messaging on one of the top two issues polled so far in this election.

She should take popular policy positions and attack Trump at the same time. On immigration, she should drive home the idea that we had a deal on the table that Trump killed, so he obviously doesn’t actually care abut immigration, just himself, etc.

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A big part too is that no one actually knows immigration laws work. I’ve talked to so many people who tell me ‘they should have come in the right way’ but look at me crazy when I tell them there’s actually no way for a poor Mexican citizen to come into the US the right way. Or that people here illegally can’t just put in their papers to become residents. Or if they can it’s a huge risk because if one thing’s wrong they get banned from the US for a decade. I’ve even talked to people who had relatives come in legally who want to deport illegals because their relative had to wait 10 years to become a resident because the legal is so underfunded that what should take a year takes a decade.

Its a bit like welfare where we have some of the most draconian kafkaesque welfare policies with terrible incentives but people imagine you just walz in and get your check.

It’s a bit of a doom loop where the policies are bad which turns everyone against them which means more draconian laws with terrible incentives pass which makes more people turn against them which results in more draconian polices, etc.


Sure, there are degrees of how much she talks about it, but first, she has to decide to take no position, or some position. If she’s going to take some position, she’s going to have to talk about it some time. Perhaps we can talk later about how much she talks about it, but if she’s going to take a position, there was going to be a speech given like the one today.


This is huge when you remember that Joe Biden is a Nicki Minaj superfan.


They absolutely exist. There’s a very large group of voters where border control is their #1 issue (I work with them). And many of them are Republicans who don’t like Trump, but will absolutely vote Republican due to his perceived border policy

These are fringe people who threaten to detonate their vest and kill us all if they don’t get their way. I was one when it came to Bernie, and I threatened it with Biden on Gaza and his age. Even if they follow thru on the threat I’m not worried. Most sane people aren’t chancing turning it over to Trump

Lastly, I agree with Riverman that this might be 3D politics at its best. She’s worked in law enforcement and was a former no nonsense prosecutor. She could sway just enough independents and rinos to make a difference

Trump will always win on the perceived border policy for these people. They believe Biden is for open borders, right? Well, they say they do anyway. Trump will win because he calls immigrants criminals and rapists and drug dealers. The people you work with want them called those names. They think Biden is weak because he won’t call them those names, therefore he must be weak on immigration and for open borders.


No one knows and no one cares. Immigration triggers an emotional response in the american brain GRRRR IMMIGRANTS BAD.

Very, very few people vote based on policy details. As micro mentioned, it’s the contempt that matters. Kamala can stake out the most optimal position on immigration and it won’t matter at all imo because she’s not going to show open contempt the way Trump does.

The more immigration gets talked about, the more democrats lose. Every second she spends on it is a wasted opportunity to shift the discussion toward winning topics like abortion.


Self awareness non existent



It’s an especially losing issue for Dems because they can take Mr. Garrison’s Trump stance on immigration and they’ll still be seen as the weaker party by most people.

Life is a constant struggle between our ideals and reality. Many times, I think “why can’t this be easy”. Pure idealogs and pure transactional people go through life with this internal conflict. The rest of us have to suffer.

Governing is different than campaigning. Sometimes we get more than we expect. Sometimes (more?) we get less.

Hang in there.

Fucking lol


Oh no, 7 people left. Its over, call the damn race, there is no way she can recover from this.


Also, that was literally like, the final 30 seconds of her speech

Probably heading for a restroom.

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I actually think this is pretty good from the Dems, purely as political strategy. The idea is not to “win” the issue but to neutralize it as much as possible. I think closer to the election, they should shut the fuck up about it because you don’t want that issue having salience to voters close to voting time, but I think it makes sense to get out in front of it now, just try to muddy the waters a bit, deliver the message that Kamala is not For Open Borders.

I’m taking it as read that actual policy at the border will be much the same no matter who wins and regardless of what anyone’s rhetoric is. Maybe a bit worse under Trump. The deportations stuff will of course be much worse under Trump.