2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Nah, she’s just doing good politics.


“Capturing the swing voters by going right is just good politics” has been (one of) the UP motto since 2019.


No, she’ll never win on the border. It’s not just about walls and deportation. None of that works without vilifying immigrants. By “works” I means satisfies the voters. It does work in terms of causing innocent people to die and stuff like that.

She should just be talking about abortion. Reproductive rights won on the ballot in places like Kentucky for fuck sake.


Iron is so good at doing the bit. Truly I tip my cap to you sir, well played.

This might run out of steam. On the other hand, there is infinity material to keep it going.



And Biden did this. He talked about how tough he was on the border, and he surely was. He denied asylum to almost everyone. He did arrest and turn around tons more people than Trump. He did build walls. And he did talk about it. Still everyone thinks he was Mr. Open Borders. Why? Because he didn’t show open contempt for immigrants. More than anything, that’s what Americans want.


I’m talking with some organizer friends of mine to start a grassroots campaign to not vote Kamala until she changes tack on the border

Also this is 100% true



They are not going to sit back & let it continue organically.

The Kamala campaign is not going to let it continue

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There’s no way you believe this


Here’s the full rally. Her speech starts around 20:00.

UP in the fire: I’m glad the fire is gone

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She can’t just talk about Micro’s pet issues. She has to convert Trump voters.

There’s dozens of people who will listen to what she says about the border and realize they were wrong to dislike her border bona fides. If that costs her a million votes, that’s the price of doing business.

As Riverman says, she is doing good politics.

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Pretty short speech at less than 19 minutes. Her position on the border is that she will sign the bill that was before Congress earlier this year. She also talked about abortion (which got some of the biggest reactions from the crowd) saying she will sign a law that codifies Roe.

Bipartisan sounds nice, but of course it’s not. Can you imagine Republicans signing onto anything for immigration that isn’t horrible? It raises the standard for asylum from a credible fear of various threats to a reasonable fear and it eliminates most court decisions and instead puts them in the hands of ICE employees slash cops. In exchange, I guess, for the worse conditions for hundreds of thousands or millions of people, the Dems got better status for 2500 Afghans per year and a small increase in legal immigration. Nothing about the status of undocumented living in the US.

uh, Ohio, Bush vs Kerry

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I’m just reporting what she said in her speech. I don’t think it’s accurate to say she’s moving right on immigration (you didn’t say this, but another poster did), because she’s just continuing the position of the Biden administration. Not a great position, but also not a big surprise.

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