2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

If you asked me 3 weeks ago if she would beat Trump I would have been doubtful, I thought she had a chance, definitely better option than Biden, but probably less than 50%. Considering what I’m seeing coming out of her campaign in the last hours, I am starting to turn my opinion of her. Maybe she does have the juice to win.

If she’s just roasting Trump like this daily I think she will crush him. The blows will land.


What is the point of you?

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But Nikki would never do it because she’s a Principled Conservative!

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I think so too. I love her calling him out with straight facts. He’s a criminal. He’s a sexual predator. He promised abortion bans.

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See cooperative parenting among ex-bio parent and stepparent all the time.

Holy shit. Amazing to be reminded that a politician with some basic charisma can pull off good music without it being cringe. It’s been a while.

Harris being on Drag Race tomorrow is just so perfect timing. Fox News conniptions I’m sure.


Yes to RuPaul!!

It would be easy to focus group your way out of this. “LGBTQI rights are a wedge issue” blah blah


  • is this fun
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  • is this the right thing to do




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That’s why I hope Pete has a shot!!

The continuous dragging of JD Vance is pretty awesome


One day we’ll be telling our grandkids that there was a time when presidential elections involved people who weren’t (falsely or otherwise) identified as rapist, original Hawk Tuah girl, and couch f*cker.


I’m sure it happens often. What I am saying doesn’t happen often is in the case where one bioparent cheated on the other bioparent with someone who ultimately became a stepparent. In that case it is unlikely that the stepparent and the uncoupled bioparent are friends, though they may attempt to cooperate wrt child care.

By far the best part is authentic Rust Belt hillbillies immediately realizing what a fraud his backstory is.

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I personally know many examples, including among my former in-laws, where the women did not magically morph into bitter, vindictive shrews.



That was long but worth it to understand the Hillbilly Elegy phenomenon and its evolution.



Alright, time for everyone with a national platform to taunt Trump relentlessly about how weak this is until his ego overcomes his advisers’ better judgment.

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Lol at “chaos surrounding crooked Joe Biden.”

Grandpa still doesnt understand who he is running against.