2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Gavin is scum trash that gives off a scum trash vibe. He would not win easily.


No way. Heā€™s a turd

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this is pretty vanilla but keeps emphasizing campaignā€™s focus on minting new voters and how this is less a persuasion election than an enthusiasm electrion

"RE: The Path to Victory for Kamala Harris

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I just cannot picture hundreds of thousands of people registering to vote the first day Gavin was announced

The youth are energized by Kamala memes

Bet your house on Kamala. Back the truck up


Cliffs? Who made this pdf

I wish there was a way we could bet this. I think he give a lot of the non MAGA Republicans who are holding their noses and voting for Trump an easy out.

Also he avoids all the racism and sexism that Kamala will see. Bradley effect may be renamed the Kamala effect.

The kamala OPPO file

These people are liars. They are voting Trump either way. Chasing them is how you lose the high turnout of your base and the kids/left/etc who are busy on election day if you donā€™t give them some red meat


He turns off potential voters who are sick of wealthy white sleazeballs

Given the nationā€™s rich history of voting for wealthy white sleazeballs, itā€™s not clear how much of a turnoff that is.

Thatā€™s why Romney beat Obama

The history you are talking about is when both options were wealthy white sleezeballs and dynastic whatevers

Kamala is no GOATBama

The history you are talking about is when both options were wealthy white sleezeballs and dynastic whatevers

The problem with everyone wish-casting for a ā€œbetterā€ candidate is that this isnā€™t a vacuum. Iā€™m not sure there is a better candidate given the hand we were dealt. We spent weeks wishing for anyone but Biden and we got it, and Harris has set records fund raising and getting volunteers and raising the enthusiasm on the left to higher levels than seen in years.


Kamala is going to break Joeā€™s popular vote record

Just deal with it


The sleazeballs often had to get past primaries, and even to get to a primary a sleazeball had to have some level of support. There is a reason why it was pretty much only white sleazeballs on the menu. They win elections. Iā€™ll grant that things are a bit different now, but not that different.

Maybe. Iā€™ll be content with wins in 6 specific states.

Sheā€™s closer than youā€™re giving her credit for.

Also Trump is an easier opponent than McCain and way easier than Rmoney.

as someone whoā€™s been getting douchechills from gavin for over twenty years, one of best parts of kamala choice was how it potentially kneecapped his presidential ambitions until like 2040 god willing