2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

for me it’s:

biden << coronated kamala <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< unknown version of kamala who maybe exists and kicks ass and could beat trump and could emerge in a mini convention === any other candidate who could beat trump <<< whitmer, probably

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I could be wrong, but I’m fairly positive I’ve seen numerous polls showing alternative Dem candidates performing better than Biden.

the polls that say 70% of Dems want Biden to drop out? the same polls that say Biden is running 5-10 points behind Dem senators? You think Kamala wouldn’t be running any closer?



Wanting him to drop out doesn’t mean anything if they don’t like the replacement any better. It seems the polling and expectation at the electoral college are pretty close and mixed for both of them. So, shrug. But, the process will be damaging.

And it’s Trump’s election to lose regardless.

My daughter turns 18 just before the election. She just asked if she could go with us to vote because she’s obviously never done it before and added that she’s excited to vote for the first time.

Then she told me a joke:

Is your refrigerator running? Because I sure as heck would vote for it!

She said her friend had a follow-up: you might not want to because it’s old and white.


seems like some good new polling data here (pdf)

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I think it’s just that kamala has similar numbers to Biden but has theoretical upside in coming months, Biden has none

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yeah i think kamala could come out in some public appearances/ a debate and rally the troops somewhat. i see no way biden does that. for the record im not a khive-r.

i also see no reason Trump should ever agree to a debate with anyone other than biden… just slam the “my agreement was with Joe not this illegitimate replacement” line over and over again.

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Yeah it’s not even a matter of whether he’s mentally or physically able to complete another term. He’s not gonna win and even get the chance. That’s the message

Yea let Kamala take over, pound abortion hard on the campaign trail like a woman can and joe struggles with and give it a go, this joe stuff is some bullshit

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Unless polling changes, I could easily see Trump pulling out of any future debates with Biden, with some sneering excuse that Biden looked so pathetic he doesn’t want to put the poor guy through that again. His base would find that hilarious and it probably wouldn’t affect his numbers at all.

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Except Biden’s chances are much higher than 0%.

I don’t think there will be a 2nd Trump Biden debate. I’m not sure it’s quite 50/50, but I’d be willing to bet $100 at 2-to-1 odds.

Or she could get on the campaign trail and remind people how she was one of the top contenders and slammed Biden in the debates, but ended up having to drop out before the first primary.

Hard to imagine that anybody of Bernie’s experience and intelligence really believes that “The American people are not stupid.”

I think Team Biden desperately needs to prove Biden’s fitness, so they have to roll the dice and hope he has a much better second debate. Trump’s best play is to minimize variance and skip any additional debates.

Yeah, I think combination of Biden dropping and Trump refusing is close to if not greater than 50%.

They aren’t. In a normal situation you would say hey we have 3.5 months anything can happen. But biden literally can’t make a case for himself or against Trump. He isn’t suddenly getting less senile.

His polling is cataclysmic and the only way it can really go is down .

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Well said. I agree.