2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Because none of these people believe a word they say and their political future (except maybe bernie - seems to be an outlier) is invariably tied to whether the Democrat establishment “approves” of you or not.

Example - When feinstein’s senate seat was up for grabs, an extremely obvious, historically popular progressive candidate was Katie Porter. The establishment, however, wanted Schiff. Some bozo republican was also running, so Schiff’s super pac pumped $$ into the republican’s campaign, displacing her on the ticket because of the state’s “top 2 candidates” primary dynamics.

You don’t get in unless you take the party line and buck it in ways that are “acceptable,” and this is invariably tied into how important funding is to winning a political campaign in this country, and how certain power brokers in each party control most of those strings.

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Think you guys underestimate Vance. He’s a skilled bullshitter and he’s very willing to go full white nationalist and throw red meat to the Nazi base.




What in the actual fuck?

Maybe Biden can start campaigning for Trump?

jesus christ

The article says the exact opposite…


Yeah I just opened it wtf

Here’s how surprised I’d be to find out Elon could change headlines on peoples’ tweets:


Yeah, the actual article is the opposite of the twitter headline. Never seen this before.

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Fucking elon

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This feels familiar but i can’t remember the story… i clicked on something and the story and headline were opposite. It was weird but i just forgot about it.

This would be a couple weeks ago. Or maybe the superbowl. Headline had the opposite winner.

Eh I think everyone knows that


let’s go


Seems down, what was the headline?

I think they hope he will win and that those things will help people.

Surely any reasonably decent person who had even a somewhat faint chance to those things, assuming they thought the results would be good anyway, would do that regardless of whatever impact Biden losing the election could possibly have on their political future (as if there would be one).

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People hate phony politicians, but not as much as genuine ones.


I think this is true, and also even if you are focused entirely on the idea of “electability” and you recognize that Biden is a big dog vs. Trump, then it’s readonable to conclude that only a Hail Mary try has a chance of winning. “Here’s a bunch of stuff we’ll do that actually helps you” is as good a shot as any to take even it you’re just trying to maximize the probability of Biden hitting a two outer to win this election. From where we are today, Biden running as a Republican-lite centrist is sure to lose.

I naively still believe that left-ish populism would take some of the wind out of the sails of the attempt at right wing populism. But I don’t think it’s going to work for this particular election.