2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Maybe this and medical debt discharge are why Bernie and AOC are still ridinā€™ w/ Biden.

Guys I know the Vance pick is a big blow to our chances to win Ohio this year but we have to stay positive.



Anybody familiar with Dave Troy?

Nope, found this

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He seems like a lefty muckraker. The right people seem to dislike him. Not sure how much he sticks to facts.

Hi! Iā€™m an investigative journalist addressing threats to democracy. My background as a technologist and as a student of history gives me a unique perspective on current events.

Donā€™t threaten me with a good time


Vance brings nothing new to the ticket. Itā€™s a terrible pick, politically-speaking. Sure Trumpā€™s base will get riled up, but they were gonna vote for him anyway.

Vance underperformed by a huge margin in his senate race (compared to governor, etc). Real Appalachians haaaaaaaaaaaaate him. I can see this actually hurting Trump slightly, to be honest.

Also, I was born and raised in Butler County, Ohio (same county as Vance) and Iā€™m already exhausted at the thought of another Vance news cycle. People in Middletown arenā€™t hillbillies. They are rednecks. very different, thank you very much.


to me this signals Trumpā€™s intention to install all loyalists in his next cabinet. There are not going to be any ā€œmoderatesā€ like Mike Pence, Jared is going to be the new Secretary of State and Ivanka will be serving on the Supreme Court.


Trumps comment about how Vance can help in Michigan because of his Ohio roots is hilarious too. Michiganders fucking hate Ohio tyvm.


what do you mean? they are near each other and stuffā€¦ just like how Dr. Oz totally got credit in PA for being New Jersey through and through.

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Through it all, I still hold out some hope that the MAGA morons will find a way to burn whatever good will they gained from the assassination attempt and blow the election. Not a lot of hope, but some.

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NATO and Ukraine supporters are not taking this well.

Other takes




Hobby Lobby: My fellow believers, letā€™s start a charity to push our values on the nation and turn it back to GAAAWD by donating to a bunch of conservative campaigns

Uline: We should call it ā€œFoundation for a better tomorrowā€ or something to keep those pesky first amendment and campaign finance lawyer assholes off our backs.

Waller: Weā€™ll launder the money so everything is good on the legal side

Hobby Lobby: Good ideas, but instead weā€™re going to name it THE MOST EVIL NAZI-SOUNDING NAME WE CAN THINK OF!

Seriouslyā€¦Ziklag? itā€™s like a comic book idea of the name of the evil league of villains

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Never thought much of Bernie, but this lowers my opinion of AOC some. Why would you want Biden to march to electoral obliteration with your platform on his lips?

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Seems bad, Iā€™m guessing they just think if he does actually push a left platform that he will surely win!

More insight about what is coming

Republicans approve new platform with revised abortion position


Weā€™re just going to vote on abortion again, but Trump will have good messaging about it this time + getting shot at.