2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)




All that matters is Biden tried his hardest.


Thatā€™s a weird poll. ā€œWould have preferred someone elseā€ does not mean ā€œdissatisfiedā€ or ā€œwonā€™t vote for Biden.ā€ Sure, I ā€œwould have preferred someone else,ā€ but Iā€™m still voting for Biden if heā€™s the nominee.

Hell, in 2020, I ā€œwould have preferred someone else,ā€ but I was also satisfied with Biden when all was said and done.




The VP selection could be a crossover episode.


When theres such a split between pres polls and senste, which way does it usually break?

This makes me question how relevant these Presidential Polls are in November.

I imagine a lot of people who would vote Democrat but want Biden to drop out due to his age will still vote for Biden in November in the election if heā€™s atop the ticket, but would respond differently in a zero stakes poll in July to try to increase public pressure on him to drop off.

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Why is it weird to ask if the voter ā€œwould have preferred someone elseā€ as the nominee? If they wanted to know if they were going to vote for them, there are lots of other polls about that.

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Yes, they will converge to a more reasonable gap but Biden does not just have an age issue now, he and his orbit have a character issue. Obvious that he should not be the President from 2025-2029. So no longer plays that he is a good man stepping up to the plate to be the everyman Joe candidate that the party rallies around to stop Trump.

Now a fair minded person would have to conclude that he and his orbit are power hungry and are using the great power of incumbency to force a result that most people plainly do not want. That is not something that a decent humble man would do.


the phones


JD Vance is such a trump and co. pickā€¦ weā€™re just lucky they are so dumb.


It only takes about 5% of those ā€œwould prefer someone elseā€ to stay home to make a big fucking difference

VP pick makes virtually zero difference, as long as he picked a white male it makes virtually no difference which one it was

idk. burgum probably donates 100 million+ in cash to the campaign and makes it more likely the non crazies will be open to voting for the ticket.

Vance is just the same type of grifter with even more extreme views personally than Trump has. heā€™s like the pence handmaiden views without the veneer of religious ā€œrespectabilityā€

the extreme views are a feature, not a bug

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If the biggest current vulnerability of the Trump campaign is that normies might be worried that heā€™s backed by Project 2025 weirdos, then Vance doesnā€™t really allay that at all.

Biden endorses national rent control.


Vivek is reportedly already pushing hard to be given Vanceā€™s Senate seat. lol