2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

(wrong thread)




If only there were things they could do to possibly have that not happen.


THAT is my President

I’m not sure there are. Would Kamala even want the nomination anymore? It looks like a poisoned chalice now.

To try to save democracy, no matter the long odds?

Kamala has zero chance of ever being president if Biden runs for another term and loses. In general, I don’t think a Dem nominee could be worse than a 3:1 dog. If you want to be president, you’d be nuts to pass on those odds.


I think that’s probably correct, but it’s possible Kamala doesn’t see it that way. In particular the part about her having zero chance to be President in the future, but also, there are social questions; she might not want a very slim chance of being President at the cost of being perceived as a backstabber, for example.

Needle is live


Never forget that it was like that for Clinton in 2016

Biden is a Dem nominee.

Markets have Biden as about a 3:1 dog conditional on his nomination.

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In light of recent events, does anybody have any thoughts on what the lower income threshold will be to benefit from future Trump tax cuts? Just trying to find something positive while the world burns.



And this is why the whining about “Why isn’t the media asking for Trump to drop out?!?!” is dumb. His party overwhelmingly wants him to be the nominee. Biden’s party overwhelmingly wants someone else to be the nominee.


Remember in like “Real Genius” they rigged a setup so God would speak to a guy or something. Pelosi should get on that asap.


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