2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

For most of you - jail.


Excellent post by Bernie.

Excellent post by President Obama.

Excellent response by Secretary Buttigieg.

Very well said by President Biden.

superb blurb by lagtight,

from a frisky rush by riskyflush,

sweet links, to get a lively feel on

that tesla nazi’s middlelife crisis moneypit website what a fuckin weirdoooo loolol

Thank you!

Sorry, but they’re done politically regardless, because Trump is ending democracy.

Great idea. Let’s all feel like this and do nothing. That’ll work!

Now excuse me while I go take a nap.


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The UP motto


That was so close to being best case scenario. RNC next week would have been a complete shitshow, who even takes over at this point? Haley? Rubio? They really don’t have a good backup plan at all. And with the shooter being a registered Republican there would have been so many conspiracy theories that probably would have lead to a split vote with pro-Trump factions breaking away from the party.

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And you think this is best because we come out the other side better off how exactly?

My post was reminding people that they’re supposed to be pretending Trump will end democracy. People slip up around here all the time on that

Lol come on. How many times did we hear some white house spokesman say that Trump was actually doing something resembling something Presidental only for him to come out and say he wants the exact opposite. If not now I give him a couple of days before he’s hinting that his followers should start shooting Democrats



Didn’t George Wallace mellow out quite a bit after being shot? I’m concerned, because I think doing so will be to Trump’s benefit politically, and he’ll still have no idea what’s going on in government, which will be run by the Supreme Court, the Republican Senate, and the psychopaths that will serve in a Trump administration.

Also, many people have said that Trump doesn’t believe in God, but I’ve always thought he was too stupid to not not believe in God. He’s usually just too focused on himself to care about God.

You seriously don’t know that plenty of stupid people don’t believe in god?

They always find something to beleive in. Disbelief is an affirmative act that goes against default human “reasoning”.

What the hell is it with authors and philosophy drop outs insisting in using as many always and never statements as possible