2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

He was calling for violence at the rally. “Fight!” sure didn’t mean “Vote!”.




yeah but i think that’s whats wrong with the world. It’s why most people are disengaged with politicians. They are all C&*%s and the people, even the ones who don’t give a shit, know it.

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the state of the race rn:

joe biden: everyone watching him closely to see if he can still speak straight. a lot of people tuned in live to watch his last small political rally because they were expecting him to announce his resignation due to the crisis of his extreme unpopularity with all voters

donald trump: defiantly raising his fist and yelling “fight!” with blood all over his face moments after an assassin’s bullet lightly grazed his skull


Fwiw. That’s not a Chinese saying.

I hear it primarily used by old ass english white guys. Attributing something to the Chinese which is vaguely wise and mysterious.

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Don’t forget the crowd cheering USA! uSA! uSA! As he raised his blood stained fist to the air in defiance while mouthing fight.

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Maybe the shooter was a Mexican rapist. Or someone from a shithole country. Or a degenerate groomer trans person. Or a communist/socialist vermin. Or a racist black. Or even a Palestinian.

Anyway how about this Biden rhetoric man. This is definitely what caused this. Better tone it down. This is not what the US is about.


Dank Kamala is the best Kamala

Harris opposed legalization when she was California’s Attorney General — even laughing at a reporter in 2014 who asked if she supported the state’s marijuana legalization initiative. However, she has since evolved on the issue, announcing her support for legalizing marijuana as early as 2019.

“It’s time to end mass incarceration,” Harris said in a September 2019 Tweet. “This includes legalizing marijuana, sentencing reforms, and abolishing private prisons.”


lol remember when he got incapacitated by COVID and survived? Our luck sucks.



the biden campaign is reportedly pausing all ads and pulling the ones already out down and off the air…

why dont we just resign too. might as well just speed things up.


going back to this. this is an interesting thought… i wonder if this event solidifies support for Biden, not because he’s the guy to beat Trump, but because whoever replaces him has to know they get one chaotic election run and if they lose they’re pretty much done politically. so who would want to step into this now that the odds are probably even longer.


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Take the L at this point and try and salvage what’s left in 2028.

it was never really about the support for Biden, it was about how many of the people who don’t support Biden were willing to put their careers on the line to “come at the King” and publicly call for Biden to step down. Biden’s goal ever since the debate has been to stall for time, try to run out the clock and prevent enough people who dont support him running from publicly calling for him to dropout and pray the next news cycle comes along and saves him, mission successfully accomplished.

What’s the next stage after panic? Acceptance?

I just ate some Oreos.