2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

If it hadn’t literally nicked his ear live on camera, sure.

We’re royally screwed.

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Reichstag fire 2024 (except not staged?)

Its not a false flag but i understand the reaction. After getting 4-outted 15 straight times you start to think the game might be rigged.


Can’t wait to hear bumbling Joe’s speech tonight condemning political violence, against the guy who actively encourages his supporters to be violent. Gjge Dems.

Edit: maybe tomorrow, Joe might already be in bed


What a shitshow

Holy shit he grabs his ear right as gunshots are heard. Is that blood really from a gunshot?

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Anyone here know enough about guns to interpret the sound? Sniper rifle really far away?

I hear 3 shots with 3 echoes, shouldnt someone in the crowd have been hit?

It looks like shots came from Trump’s right.

Worst bad best of all time if they actually winged him and didn’t blow his ugly fucking head off.

How bad can we run!


Joe should cancel any public events. His reaction time is going to be a little worse.

There’s at least a 51% chance USA doesn’t look like this in the morning.



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It sounds like 3 shots. Then a few seconds. Then 2 or 3 shots, maybe secret service returning fire?

No return fire should have sounded differently; that sounded the same as the first shot.

Yeah. If Biden wasn’t toast already, he is now.

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Pretty much everyone in the US is upset now if you think about it.


it’s probably the greatest PR photo in the history of politics.