2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I’m sure Harley knows that, obviously someone who lurks

? I got home and pulled it up now, how late is he?

50 minutes and counting.

Show up an hour late to the press conference about your competence is an interesting strategy.

Maybe it’s some 4d chess move to wait till after 8pm :crazy_face:

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He trying to pull the Putin strategy of showing everyone who in charge of the room

This is scripted right? Then he gonna take some questions?

Well here we go

Seems like it, yes

Reading off the prompters.

Yep he is clearly reading a prompter.

Oh my god why does he not have water up there?

They got that mfer bronzed up again, he looks like he’s in his 60s.

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Decent speech but we know he can read off a prompter.

This is elder abuse

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Vice President Trump!

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George Clooney!


Oh oh

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What is Biden talking about

Interested in this but not gonna watch it. I hope Joe does poorly or great, but if he’s using a prompter that’s not great.