2024 US Presidential Election: First Polls Close in 24 Hours




Holy shit the wording on this Ohio amendment to stop gerrymandering.



Nah he’s been making too many comments like this for awhile now. Unless he just has Kauffman level commitment to the bit.

This episode just aired right after the MSG rally, but would’ve been filmed a few weeks ago.


I had to call my mom, a former attorney, to have her explain it to me and tell me which way to vote it as I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

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Sorry I was just taking a break with the only artist who makes me happy

Back to the election:


I had to spend some time myself figuring out WTF is going on with that.

LOL the “No” side also had lawn signs reading “Stop Gerrymandering”. So depressing this garbage is allowed.



The lazy play is to see which side Moreno is on, see which side Brown is on, and vote accordingly.

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This stupid gerrymandering confusion is like an amplified version of the abortion issue last year, where the Republicans were trying to mislead voters about which way to vote.

Thankfully, as you suggested, it’s pretty easy to tell which side is which - if a yard has signs advertising Trump, Moreno, and No on 1, you know which side of the issue to vote for.

I’ve seen literally zero yards that had inconsistent signage. It’s universally Trump/Moreno/No on 1 or Harris/Brown/Yes on 1.

But the language on the ballot is complete bullshit.

I feel like intentionally writing confusing and misleading ballot measures has been a national pass time in Michigan for so long. Usually the local news does a good job of explaining it, but maybe I’m just old now. The other tell is that ballot measures get a lot of signs and you will be right 99% of the time if you just look at which way the signs say to vote that are next too dem/rep politicians. That’s usually the tell.

I just research the ballot measures beforehand. If they aren’t clear, the local paper’s website usually has an explainer. I’ll also check the website of a political org I favor, as they often list candidates and measures they endorse.

Waiting until you’re staring at the ballot at the polling place is an amateur move.

So that’s what 90% of people do right.


I get that Trump is a threat to democracy and he’s empowering a room full of shitheads but that needs to be tied into this


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Same in Clintonville. There is never a Karris/No on 1 or a Trump/Yes on 1 yard. It’s of course so dumb the language they use, wish people would I don’t know use their brains and look stuff up and not rely on reading the actual thing for the first time as they vote. Too big a dream obviously.

They can’t let a sucker get away. You answer the phone you are getting all the questions!

He was that mad over the Hail Mary?

