2024 US Presidential Election: Final Fortnight

A+ pollster too!

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That’s such a crap pollster, only A! Also, only 699 LV vs 1400 LV!


Far right column is the popular vote margin for the winner of the election and a couple columns to the left is the proportion of 538 EVs they received.

Unfortunately, Biden with a +4.5% popular vote victory, wasn’t too far off from losing the election so even if Kamala +5 is true, it could still be a sweat. If it’s only Kamala +1, then a Trump landslide is probably on the table.

BigTrumpKnife dot com? Parody is impossible


“Designed in USA” :laughing:


Are tiny handed individuals even able to hold on to one of those bad boys?

For example, a person who is unable to support a glass of water with 1 hand.

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I see an A+ poll go +3 since last time and I smile

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So we can basically slap (blank)trump(blank) onto any item and the rubes would gobble it up?

New! American Trump Slappystickyhandthing.

I sort of doubt that they are moving enough 'Murica Stabbers to really make anyone a ton of cash. I’m sure Trump sells his name to all the thousand dumb things for a cut and makes some residual bucks on volume but I’d be surprised if they are moving tens of thousands of units of this garbo.

True, but I feel the margin for slappystickyhandthing is high enough that it wouldnt take a ton of sales to make some moolah

Would be very curious to know how little it costs to slap the Trump name on some piece of garbage.

Did some way-too-early analysis on Georgia’s remarkably transparent voter turnout portal. The record breaking early voting numbers aren’t as positive as one would think; the blue suburbs (DeKalb, Cobb, Gwinnett) are lagging in turnout compared with the rest of the state, while Clayton and Fulton are doing great. Sort of a mixed bag (possibly based on locations of polling centers, etc).

A selection of deep red (Trump +60 or more) counties shows they’re holding their own or slightly exceeding state-level average turnout.

Again, way too early, but I was hoping for better. I’ll do some proper analysis this weekend once the data set is larger.



BOV/BOL Trump -160/135
Kalshi Trump -135/135
Poly Trump -145/145
PredictIt Trump -113/-104


Kinda what I noted from the early voting in Georgia (just a day’s worth). Very tough to draw any definitive conclusions if you look at the complete data set, but you can cherry pick stuff to make either side sound good.

My family hasn’t voted yet in Georgia, so throw any forecasts out the window.


I want to bet Kamala but I think I’m going to wait. I see this getting worse before election day.

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In Philly? SCOTUS: The founding fathers while drafting the Constitution did not prescribe the use of modern-day adhesives, therefore these ballots must be set aside an not counted*.

*decision not applicable to rural counties


I learned my lesson last year placing my bet way too far in advance.

Locked up my money for too long. There will probably be excellent opportunities to bet even on election night itself as the rubes get fooled by early reporting. You could get Biden as good as +600 on election night last time as votes were rolling in.