2024 US Presidential Election: Final Fortnight

Huh? Polling data and observing reality? You really observing a bunch of 20 year olds? Kinda weird tbh. I work with them all the time, but I wouldn’t say it’s a fair sample.

Those numbers appear to show that the youth vote split more favorably to Trump in the elections he was participating in, than those that he was not between 2016 and 2022.

Gun to your head, do you think that the 18-29 vote will break better or worse than the +24 in 2020? I’ll raise my hand and say that I think it’ll be worse, and hope I’m wrong.

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I’d guess about the same. Like I said, I don’t think much, if anything, has really changed for this age group, so I don’t see why their voting pattern would change.

Hope you’re right, guess we’ll see!

Ya man. Peeking in windows and shit. LOL IKES

Worse AINEC. If there was some reliable way to know I would be happy to bet you Ikes.

Ikes wasn’t even with the times when he was in these age groups and now 20 years on thinks he has it figured out better than anyone. Tough to see who is right.

Oh yeah. It’s 100% going to be worse.

We don’t even know how big a factor turning one of the largest social media sites in the world into a purely right-wing propaganda outlet is going to be. But it’s going to be significant.

I have hope Harris’ superior ground game and funding will provide some edge, but idk man. I suspect that social media / podcast game is even more important than this in 2024.

Why not bet on the national pooled exit poll? Harris +15 or less in 18-29, you win. You can donate to MSF if you lose.

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20 somethings don’t use twitter much fyi

I only pasted an image because this anti-Harris video shows corpses of black men and aborted fetuses. Link is below if you want to see it but I do not recommend.


Let’s be clear here. Your position is based on bullshit (that’s referencing the observation comment tbc), a few scattering of polls that seem unreliable to me based on the gold standard exit polling we have, and your own anxiety.

Again, I ask what is the reason for the shift in a demographic that has been at least +19 for Dems since Trump came on the scene?

In 2018 it was +35 and +24 in the last Trump election but that coming down to +15 in 2024 wouldn’t be considered significant?

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Of course it is.

Sure, compared to other social media, but the solid majority of X userbase is still in the 18-34 range.

And the social media most frequently used by that demo (youtube) seems to be just as happy to shit out the fascist-adjacent content recs to young people too.

2018 isn’t the valid comparison here, the presidential election years are, which are +19 and +24. The polls Wichita are the NYT Sienna Poll which was Harris +1 at one point. +15 is as more than fair line. I’m taking 14 points over NYT polling!!!

Mayyyybe they should have put that disclaimer before the ad.


There was a warning before as well as after. I don’t know what the typical The View watchers will think but to me it felt like an assault.





The guy in the upper right corner looks like he’s in make up in an SNL skit