2024 US Presidential Election: Final Fortnight

Memories. Weirdly enough my daughter just started working for Id this year as a dev, she’s literally working on the next Doom game as we speak. Proud as hell.


omg that’s awesome. holy shit


Yeah these young white men are terrible nowadays. Not like back in my day when the WoW and TF2 chats were full of people being respectful to each other, but most importantly being respectful to people of other races, genders, and sexual orientations.


One of the. Nelkboys. Who are a group of. Very popular young male influencers. Wichita is right. Almost all the young male targeted influencers are trump supporters. Young men being bombarded with trump support.

Also stevewilldoit jerker off his dog, allegedly.

This is going to be stream of consciousness so Im sorry if there are typos and shit.

The insidiousness of gambling streamers blows my mind. We have guys betting 100s of thousands to millions of dollars on a sitr that can be accessed 24/7 and broadcasting that to children. We didnt have that when we were kids, and even when poker hit it big, what was the most anyone was losing at one time outside of HSP? 10K?

Like, these guys are just blowing through the equivalent of starter homes in seconds and most likely having their winnings juiced since they are all sponsored by these sites and the best way to bring in the tikes to take mommy and daddys credit cards is to show people winning life altering money all the time, couple that with crypto, and meme stocks, and etc etc etc, and a lot of these guys are going to come to the sites, throw around incredible amounts of money as if it was nothing and get continually punched in the dick, and of course since nothing can ever be anybodys own fault, who is it that is causing so much pain? Why did their diamond hands leave them with nothing but shit stains and their portfolios tanked to 0? Well the government of course, and the immigrants, and the women who wont fuck them because instead of doing basic hygeine and actually practicing how to talk to women, they had to buy another share of SPOOG because some guy on WSB told them its going to moon and only sweaty losers have paper hands.

Its just so fucking depressing. Twitch, yes that fucking Twitch, banned gambling because its so fucking evil to advertise that shit to kids, and of course the number one site for Nazi streamers said “yeah, send that shit here. We are perfectly cool with super evil stuff.”

Its no wonder these young guys are fascist adjacent. They need someone to blame for all the shit theyve been fed since they were 12 and there is nothing the fascists are better at than blaming anybody snd everybody else for the problems they are responsible for.


Good post and I think this pretty much nails a lot of it. The Dems, as the party of respecting people and very serious people, are the complete antithesis of what they want. They want someone to blame and Trump is the obvious answer.

Also I don’t think anyone can really argue against the fact that millennials and younger have been massively shit on to prop up the economy and stonks for Gen X and older(mostly boomer and older but this pattern is now continuing beyond that). Pensions are a thing of the past, fend for yourself on retirement. Housing is fucked, drink less coffee. And on and on and on. The Dems could run on actual solutions to this. And they are to some extent. But does anyone believe them that they will actually do it? They have a decades long history of running on these things and then never doing any of it.

The Dems themselves have their own kinds of excuses but they aren’t as simple or sexy as dirty immigrants stealing everything. They are the filibuster, Joe Manchin, and whatever else they need to make up to excuse not actually implementing anything basically EVER.

As a result the Dem voting bloc continues to shrink. It’s basically women desperate for reproductive rights, black people and then members of other groups who are empathetic towards the plight of women and minorities. The GOP on the other hand has provided an easy to target villain who can’t fight back because they can’t even vote. It’s a centuries old playbook that actually works vs. whatever it is that the Dems are attempting.


My 6th grade pc twcher gave me a floppy of it for some reason. And i think mega man 1 for pc.


GOAT teacher


Online morons are definitely making an effort to bring back hate speech. I’m seeing more casual slurs online now than I did just five years ago. Hopefully this doesn’t cross over into real life but it can’t be great for society. Assholes always try to push the envelope and normal people tend to be shy or hesitant about checking them.

Yep, R’s N’s and T’s fly regularly on twitter and the like.

Oh yah someone signaled to white guys that they needed to take back the R word. Not sure who but it’s definitely a thing.

A lot of Americans are dumb dumbs. Is problem that is actively encouraged by much of the government, organized religion and media.

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Yep. It’s gonna be crazy popcorn!
And the GOP slappies are going to yell foul regardless.
“We really won!”
“We didn’t win by enough!”

Why are they not being called out for their massive projection. Who’s planning to cheat?

I think the explanation for “Do you think the Dems need to tone down the rhetoric? Yes! Do you think Kamala should die in a grease fire? Yes!” is that they know they are trolling and not entirely serious and they correctly understand that the Dems are totally serious with their rhetoric. It’s not quite conscious and the MAGA rhetoric is generally more extreme than the Dem rhetoric, so this is not a perfect analogy - it’s gets at what I’m talking about.


Also, The Good Liars shtick is becoming pretty cringe to me and plays into all the reasons why Dems are going to lose.


Voted early today in North Carolina!

About an hour fifteen, from first getting in line, to ballot scanned.

Wanted to go first thing, but slept in and went mid-morning, which may have been the worst time. The line was shorter than when I entered by the time I got to the front.

I made sure to vote ESPECIALLY hard.

I’m tuning out the late-breaking polls, and early voting results. I’ve resigned to the idea that it’s out of my control, and if he wins then it’s an indictment on this country, and we deserve what we get.


My god, an hour and 15 minutes to vote EARLY? No wonder nobody votes, wtf is that nonsense.


Right, and that disillusions people.

Look no further than Kamala’s comment this week about raising the minimum wage to $15/hour. Okay, great. But how? Is there a bill in the house? And even if you have a senate majority, how are you getting it through there? Are you blowing up the filibuster for this?

The federal minimum wage has been the same for over 15 years now. Why hasn’t it been raised since then? There were Democratic trifectas in that time. You can’t continually point to Republican/Manchin/etc. obstructionism and expect to be taken seriously this time when the conditions are the same.


It will be no consolation if Trump wins, but there will be a very high level of disillusionment in the gap between Trump’s rhetoric and outcomes. Not to mention the harsh reality of what ‘mass deportation’ actually looks like in reality.


The problem is, with Trump, it’s such a cult of personality that he just has to say “I did X” and his base will just say “you sure did, praise Trump!”

Like a dozen eggs could cost $22 a year from now, and Trump will tweet something about lowest grocery prices ever thanks to him, and a poll of “are eggs more expensive?” will get results like:

Democrats: Yes 98%/No 2%
Republicans: Yes 17%/No 83%