2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

These motherfuckers have an endless reserve of self confidence to be able to keep putting themselves out there like they are capable, qualified people, rather than the sad sacks of embarrassment that they are. I wish I had one tenth of this piece of shit’s self confidence.


Don’t underestimate the impact of the “consultants” that support Presidential runs. Their job prospects depend on lots of candidates running and paying consultants out of war chests. The very good documentary about Mitt showed a little bit of this where “advisors” will paint this super positive picture about someone’s chances of winning to try to get them to run. People that Christie are going to be highly susceptible to this.

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Pence lmao come on now


I’m all in for Pence-Harris II. I hope he brings the fly again.

The 2024 nom is Donnie Dumb Dumb’s call. Whoever he tells deplorables to pick is who will win. Pence is an elite Trump brown noser so he’s got a chance.

Trump is going to be on cloud 9 in the 2024 primaries. A narcissist’s absolute favorite position is having something people want (his endorsement in this case) and making them beg for it with threats of withholding. This is literally better than sex for people with narcissistic personality disorder.


His own party base tried to murder him!

Pence betrayed Trump by not attempting to overthrow democracy. He’s also an unlikeable robot. No chance.

If you are the type of Republican to rule out DeSantis, Cruz, or any Trump, who are you left with to support? Romney? Anyone who voted to impeach Trump is not viable. Pence feels like the default option because he’s not one of the other guys. He’s holding a place until someone else better comes along.

Yes I think the most likely outcome is Trump strings Pence along and because Pence is a coward he will praise Dear Leader nonstop to try to get his endorsement. Trump is going to love dragging him over the coals on this, the cruelty is the point. At the last minute he’ll throw his support over to the Florida Douche.

Nikki Haley is going to fall for this too. She’ll try to suck up to Trump for an endorsement and she will get denied at the end. This seems inevitable.

Trump supports Pence on the condition that Donald Jr is his VP, with plans to borrow some polonium from Putin after the election.

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The most likely outcome is that Trump runs again and its not close. I’m somewhat surprised he didn’t already announce.

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Acknowledged, all my comments assume he doesn’t want to run. In any event he will certainly also leverage that as well for maximum narcissist behavior, like he’s much more likely IMO to tease about running to create a bunch of “will he or won’t he” buzz that makes him the center of attention. Once he gets his cult begging for him to run he will also delight in “threatening” not to run, with lots of side hustle (think emails that tell the cult that he needs $50 TODAY or he won’t be able to run).

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I’m super bullish on DeSantis. He can bridge the country club republicans and the deplorables in a way almost nobody else can.


The deplorables will vote for anyone Donnie Dumb Dumb tells them to vote for. I agree that DeSantis is probably bland enough that the single issue R voters thay only care about taxes will easily check the box for him. I mean, they voted for Trump too but they would be less embarrassed about voting for Ronny Dumb Dumb.

That is probably just due to name recognition.

If I had money, access to betting markets and time value of money wasn’t a thing I’d be dropping loads of cash on Josh Hawley right now.

Loyal Trump soldier, media hates him, religious right credibility, deep down wants to bomb all Muslims but can read the room regarding appetite for wars.

Aside from Trump himself, the only one who can carry on Trump’s ability to whip up crowds is Don Jr. Unfortunately for him I think MAGA chuds ultimately see too much of themselves in him for them to actually respect him.

Trump will never support Pence because they are too different. Pence may suck up to Trump but they’ll never be buddies. I suspect Trump privately looks down on Pence for being too much of a goodie-two-shoes. Trump is more likely to back a kindred womanizer like Gaetz than Pence.

I can only imagine how awkward their conversations were when Trump engaged in locker-room talk and Pence tried his hardest to participate.

I think people are placing way too heavy of a chance on the boring name recognition people.

These people had 4 years of Trump daily mainlined into their veins. They aren’t gonna settle for boring speeches about Makers and Takers or any of that bullshit. They need entertainment in their political rallies or they aren’t showing up.

Josh Hawley is way too boring for the GOP Voting block. He just doesn’t get the juices flowing. I’d honestly bet on a current or former WWE Wrestler being the nominee before I’d bet on Josh Hawley.

I think you’re right and random non-politics celebrity deplorable has lots of equity, but it’s also true that the build-up to Trump was eight years of right-wing media losing its shit over a Kenyan, Marxist Muslim in the White House.

Biden conspiracy theories being so dull compared to Obama’s could lead to a bit of a cooling down. Not that these people will become sane, but there just won’t be the constant dopamine hits from right-wing media that they were getting under Obama.

I’m increasingly convinced Trump is a unicorn.

A huge part of his appeal is that he’s actually a complete moron. Mega deplorables can tell when people are faking it and they’re never gonna vote for Josh Hawley or even Ted Cruz.

Trumps unique skill is that he IS the base. His reactionary, resentment-fueled idiocy lands, even when blatantly contradictory and ideologically inconsistent, because it’s exactly what tens of millions of fellow idiots are feeling at the same time. The rest of the field is guessing about what animates racist morons, Trump IS a racist moron.

I have my doubts that any 2024 candidate will truly be able to re-create the Trump coalition and drive such incredible turnout.