2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

I am and am open to ideas on what to do about it. DNC won’t let anyone debate Biden. The only thing I can think of is a protest vote. I won’t risk it if it’s against real loonies like Trump or Desantis, but against a normie Republican, I just might

There are almost no “normie Republicans”. And there are literally zero “normie Republicans” who could win an R presidential primary in the 2020s.

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The DNC shouldn’t let anyone debate Biden, or at least not any of the declared challengers. The progressive wing of the party ought to be fully behind Biden at this point.

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I really want Prizer to develop a vaccine for the Woke Mind Virus. That would really send the party into disarray imo.

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None of those things matter without the rule of law.

Cheney is VASTLY preferable to Trump/his team.

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But any Democrat is vastly preferable to Cheney. I would snap take Manchin as president over Cheney.

Of course.

I just love how absolutely nobody has learned anything from the 2016 primaries.

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Can you describe some specifics of how Manchin is preferable to Cheney?

For example, if you choose to describe how he’s preferable in foreign policy (not saying you think he is, or even saying whether you care about foreign policy; it’s just an example), please state like, examples of differing positions in foreign policy, rather than just stating foreign policy

Again, doesn’t have to be foreign policy though. Actually probably would prefer some other area(s) discussed lol

Cheney has voted to repeal Obamacare and would support standard Republican approaches to health care. Manchin wouldn’t do that. In general, conservative Democrats still acknowledge a role for government in maintaining a welfare state, albeit one smaller than most of us want, while Republicans want to dismantle as much as they can get away with.

My guess is that Manchin would be more likely to appoint Supreme Court justices (and other judges) in the Merrick Garland vein while Cheney would appoint standard Federalist Society judges.

There’s minimal policy differences between Cheney and the rest of Republicans. It’s all Trump and rule of law stuff. Manchin isn’t a Republican and he isn’t a Republican who is pretending to be a Democrat.



What part of the Bush/Cheney administration says “rule of law” to you?

Are we gonna get one of your graphics gurus to make a wheel of morons for the dummies entering the 24 primary?





Hold on, I didn’t know he was cool


Can he bike with women?