I appreciate that this is meant to illustrate how ridiculous you think I’m being, but I don’t understand the analogy at all.
If you’re that concerned about the pipes freezing, why not keep just leave the heat on and leave one or more faucets slightly open?
If the issue is exposed pipes, it sound like they need to be wrapped.
this is not something anyone does. no one, only you. but! it’s smart, i like it.
TBH, if you asked me in Feb of 2020 what I thought was going to happen, I’d have pounded the over on 20 million deaths worldwide.
This low number is 100% the triumph of science and frankly the pure luck we had already invented the mRNA vaccine.
Seems slightly paranoid if you have had no reason to suspect problems, but perfectly fine. It’s not like you’re asking someone else to do it.
On the luck side, we were helped by the fact that the virus mutated into something less deadly over time.
I almost always turn off the water if leaving the house for more than a weekend.
True. It’s not thanks to the fivking morons with “natural immunity” that I’ve recently spoken to. Dipshits! Can you tell they piss me off…?
I was chatting with one of my favorite colleagues at my office before Xmas. She was complaining about a cough. I heard today she was diagnosed with cancer and died all in the last three weeks! She was 41. Fucking crazy. She was totally healthy it seemed.
Makes you realize your health is all that really matters.
It’s back
got acidulous
Got mojo
Suck it, jabronis
I also turn off the water before vacations since it takes 5 seconds to do so.
I guess my house doesn’t get cold enough for pipes to freeze unless I’m gone for a lot more than a couple days or should it happen to be so damn cold that I’m sure not thinking about going out bourbon tasting. I guess if I were legit nervous about frozen pipes, I’d set the heat to like 50-55 F rather than turning it all the way off. I wouldn’t want to wait around for the house to warm up from colder than that anyway.
So, let’s say this was something I was interested in doing. How do I figure out where the main valve to the house is? I’ve go no idea.