They have since rectified the situation but yeah, it’s a pretty bad look.
I’m not sure how an employee thought they would get away with attempting to keep it for themself. It’s also weird that the uncle was told they wouldn’t get to keep it; he must have known they would get more after the blowback.
1. British
present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting.
“more than 200 amendments to the bill have already been tabled”
2. US
postpone consideration of.
“I’d like the issue to be tabled for the next few months”
This caused me so much confusion when I had to group it with “delay, postpone, shelve”. You guys really use this to mean the opposite of what it obviously means? If someone says “that option is on the table” that means it is available for consideration, right? Are you telling me that if you table something, that means it’s not on the table, whereas if you don’t table it then it’s on the table?
Sanction means both to permit doing something and to punish for doing something.
Cleave means both to cut and to hold onto.
You have to add either burns or murder to know whether “first degree” means most severe or least severe.
English is stupid. Easily one of the worst languages on the planet. Americans use both definitions of table.
It does have me wondering, like linguists have had to come up with some “objwctive” way to determine the “best” language.
There’s the obviously subjective way of whatever language is closest to your native language and since applicability is really all that’s matters whatever is “objectivly” the best it doesn’t matter too much but that doesn’t quite answer how a language could be the best.
I imagine things like closeness of written and spoken language, complexity of rules, I don’t know.
Lot of work to do to define best. Shannon looked at redundancy. By numbers Copilot gives me, Russian is high, Mandarin low, English is in between. But some redundancy is good for ensuring the message gets across, so what’s best still depends.
Simpler questions: What’s the best computer language? What calculator notation is best? What number base is best? It still depends. Not sure what the point was, but Shannon made a calculator that worked with Roman numerals.
But I will add that I’m generally a big PITA to work with. My bosses often don’t like me. But my customers (internal or external) love me. I add features quickly, I suggest things the customer can’t articulate that they need, my apps don’t have screwy counterintuitive UX that confuses the user (I will revolt if I think I’ve been given a bad UX design to implement), and I give the customer white glove service. So my bosses put up with me.
The nice thing about being in this position is you don’t have to worry about who gets credit for what, because everyone already knows. This eliminates so much petty office politics BS. All glory to my boss, take all the credit you want. I know I’m secure.
I’m late to post but the 2025 World Darts Championship is well underway with the final happening on Jan 3. It’s the Super Bowl of darts. Should be free to watch in North America on Pluto’s Fanduel channel. Only real surprise of the tournament so far is that a relative unknown (#102 Christian Kist) hit a nine-darter.