2024 LC Thread

Lol I don’t know what that city is but I have never seen a stretch of bike lane that long without at least one car parked on it. Must be Europe or something

Cyclist could have gone around the taxi and saved us all a lot of drama, taxi didn’t hit anyone, they did nothing wrong.

If you have anything you can hit with the car and not do actual damage use that as parking constraints. Does the car have back up video? You might want to tape over it and have him learn to do it without assistance, but mostly, you want to set up a situation where they can get reps without hurting anything. Pulling into the center of spot, with equal room on both sides and the lines is good to start.

I was thinking London, but the sirens were wrong.

What I have to fear is killing or maiming the idiot cyclist. Would ruin my day. Do agree that the idiot cyclists largely bear the physical brunt of their death wish.

When I couldn’t afford a car, I would tell idiot cyclists that I was considering getting a bike for transport but I was afraid of getting maimed or killed. Every idiot cyclist told me, yeah, I’ve been seriously injured on a bike, it happens. And usually the maiming was their own fault rather than that of a car driver.

No thanks, I’ll spend the extra time on public transport and keep all my limbs in tact.

Well this guy certainly isn’t doing anything to dispel the stereotype.

I don’t really have a huge problem with cyclists, it was just an offhand comment.

Looks like a black cab so London is my guess.

The biker posting that video and calling out the cab driver is definitely the dumbest thing I’ve seen today. Firetruck coming up behind them on a single lane street, come on man stop and move over.

And yeah just like Masterofpwn said, I fear that a biker will do something wildly dangerous/wreckless and I end up killing them. My daily commute takes me all over city streets in Minneapolis which has bike lanes everywhere so I’m very used to driving around them. When another car does something dumb on a city street it’s usually going to result in nothing more than some car damage. If a biker does something stupid and I hit them there’s probably a good chance they die. Even if it isn’t my fault that obviously isn’t something I want to experience.

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And then if you read the thread, he’s doubling and tripling down, saying it was illegal for the cab to pull into the bike lane. He’s even going after people who quote-tweeted him. Maybe he’s just doing it for engagement farming.

My father used garbage cans with me to practice parallel parking.

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It sounds like their past the point of worrying about having to hit the break for them so standing, say, where the parked cars’ bumper would be, having their window rolled down, and yelling instructing seems easy enough for no money.

Maybe buy a few large boxes at Lowes and put them on either side of the space to represent the The cars on either side’s midpoints could enhance the training without a lot of money.

maybe teach reverse parking first?

Another contributing factor is the shittiness of most bike lanes. Why do they design them like that?

Notice how none of the vehicles went on the sidewalk to get out of the way. It’s because they can’t because the sidewalk is on a different level than the road. Bike lanes (where possible) should be the same.


Apropos of nothing I guess but here is a section of bike lane I rode on this morning:

Hard to see it but the NYPD have actually spray painted personal parking space designations over the lane lol.


must not have seen the video of justin bieber (when he looked about 13) sucking odell beckham’s dick on camera?


Eh, cyclist has a right to be miffed, but the dude clearly signaled his intention and didn’t “slam his brakes” in front of the cyclists (who should be prepared to make emergency stops!). Guy wanted to get out of the way of the ambulance and maybe miscalculated.

This seems more likely to me than two A-listers who could have their careers ruined by the scandal just casually having oral sex in a club in front of a bunch of homophobic rappers and NFL players.

Aren’t all vehicles (including bikes) expected to pull to the side and slow down/stop until the emergency vehicle passes?


Even as someone on team Car, it seems to me, a bunch of hoods need keying. I wonder if you could do that from a bicycle.

Cars are expected to yield to emergency vehicles. That might mean stop if there is a chance that continuing would obstruct the vehicle. I stop sometimes, but if there isn’t anywhere for the vehicle to turn in front of me and traffic is light enough there is no reason for him to go around someone and into my path, I might keep going.

Bring the kid to a striped parking lot when the lot is empty.

Fuck this bicyclist. He’s cycling on a public street, hears the emergency vehicle approaching, and pretends that the metal posts every 20 feet are a force field allowing him to pedal on without exhibiting any caution.