Only posting to listen to Shapiro’s lol description of “profit seeking” means you’ll get in bed with the government, while “capitalist” means you won’t. It used to be called “crony capitalists”. The names change and the roster of companies that slot into each category change depending on the needs of right wingers. So much of a distinction without a difference.
He’s sorting by area, not actual white working class, and he’s not showing any US data there. Maybe it’s true, but I don’t have enough information to judge.
Plus my impression is that city dwellers are generally going to be more healthy than rural people in the US, regardless of race. Rural is just a gigantic mess in the US.
Oh sure, having everything plugged in at once then having to remember whether your N64 is on channel HDMI-313 or HDMI-131 is much easier than just plugging one in at a time
Imagine if you had an old TV it would take 10 minutes to flip through all those channels
I have just two systems (N64 and PS2) on one TV and I have a hard enough time figuring out which cord is which imagine how many cord tags you’d need to go through to figure out which to plug in if you wanted to play one of 400 systems
I have about 15 consoles on two TVs, though a few are disconnected at the moment because I was rearranging a while back and never came back to it (the room is too cluttered to be useful right now).
Well if drugs were legal and it was a straight up situation with addiction services available as you say, then there wouldn’t have been such financial incentive for these assholes to keep bilking him for big bucks and he’d probably be alive today imo
Why would he be alive? Perry had access to the top addiction services available, cost was no object. He probably had a permanent room at Passages.
His assistant was injecting him with ketamine several times a day. It probably started out as “medicine”, but obviously spiraled out of control. Sort of like how Elvis didn’t think he was addicted to anything because it was prescription drugs. Or like how my friend who’s now undergoing psychosis was “microdosing” LSD and shrooms as some kind of self-medication.
Anyway, if you want to cull the population imo, make heroin, fentanyl and crack (which can be trivially derived from coke) legal for anyone to buy. Although a lot of the crack deaths will be violent crimes, which is no fun. The fentanyl people will go a lot more quietly.
He froze up earlier on K. Likely the same thing here, so I wouldn’t call it fell asleep. But yeah he’d probably still be alive if he was in his bed when it happened.
For the record, it’s my favorite medication to sedate people with for painful procedures. Ketamine’s effects are dose dependent, and are massively sedating at relatively easily done doses for IM injections (about 4-5mg/kg). That property is why it’s so great to use on kids.
Kinda easy to see how people would fall asleep in a hot tub using ketamine when I use it for fracture reductions