My kids’ high school has emphasized before the last couple school years that food deliveries are not allowed. It’s a security issue. Can’t be having unknown adults coming in and/or students opening doors that are normally locked and giving someone access to the school.
At my kid’s high school there’s a vestibule at the entrance with a security guard controlling access to the inner door, so the Door Dash dropoff table is in there.
In my dorm, if you lived very far down the hall, you better go to the lobby to get your order. Otherwise it wouldn’t make it to you. At least back in the day it was cash on delivery so you didn’t lose anything other than not getting your pizza. The poachers had to pony up their own money.
At my college, there was a nearby Thai place that sold a clamshell of just about every dish for $5, and free delivery to your door (our dorms had doors to the outside) on orders of $10 or more. I ate a whole lot of their phad khi mao, and I probably should have eaten more.