2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

The KKK has a history in Oregon. They were instrumental in the passage of a state law, later ruled unconstitutional, that required children to attend public school, a measure that was directly aimed at the Catholic schools that were most of the private schools in the state.

Probably related to this:


I am always amazed how people can make a living. Are there no other ways to sell these items without going through one man company who also has a record?

I mentioned something similar in another thread, but rich people crave the feeling of special “access” that their money can buy. Lots and lots of people will rush to fill in that emotional void for rich people. It can be something as absurd as Gwyneth Paltrow selling them garbage on Goop for thousands of dollars, or an outright scammer like this convincing rich people that they are Very Special People that can by his Very Special Watches. The people that are insecure enough to spend $100,000 on a watch don’t want a simple transaction, they want an illusion that they are better than other people.

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The utility company said the power would be off for 12 hours starting an hour ago but it’s still on. Now they’re going to keep me in suspense too. Fuckers.

This won’t help you, but I cannot tell you have magical it is to have a gas powered generator. When I moved to a rural area four years ago we bought a house that has one, mostly because out here if the power goes off in a snow storm and you have no heat you just die. So what I orginally thought of as a necessity has also turned out to be a valuable luxury - days when I work from home and the power goes off, I lose internet connectivity for 5 minutes while the generator turns on and the modem resets and that’s that.



No, people dying because they didn’t buy a generator is FREEDOM. LET THE MARKET DECIDE!

a $300 UPS will keep your internet on with no downtime for 24 hrs or so. some camping batteries will do the same.

True, but this way my power for the house stays on for as long as necessary and its hooked to my gas line so I dont need to worry about batteries or fuel

Halfway through the 12-hour blackout and my power is still on. Maybe they sent me the notice by mistake.

Had a similar experience recently. They gave a 4 hour window without much details but it read like I would be without power for the entire 4 hours. I lost power for about 20 minutes near the end of the window.

Or this:

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I got 4 hours left, power still on! :crossed_fingers:

They’ll probably wait till tomorrow and then spring the full 12 on me.

Computer whizzes…

Is there a way to set up a folder in gmail that automatically gets my emails from certain senders? I can sort emails by labels or folders AFTER I get them, but I want them to go there automatically.

I subscribe to a bunch of newsletters, and one I don’t want to miss somehow got flagged as a “promotion” and I have to go find it when it hits.

I want to have one folder that I use for reading, that’s separate from other commercial and professional uses for my primary personal email.

You know, kinda like how Google Reader worked. Only the greatest free product never to be adequately replaced.

I can select a message, then use the three dots next to the label icon to select “Filter Messages Like These” which starts a dialog to set up a standard mail rule, which can do what you want

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NYC defunding the police

The next five police academy classes are canceled, which city officials estimate will bring the total number of NYPD officers from 33,000 to 29,000 in the next two years.