2024 LC Thread: These are not the roids you are looking for

I had an Uber driver last night who was an architect and civil engineer but couldn’t get accredited here for either. Insanity.

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Was he wearing Rocco DiMeo’s leather jacket?

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I’m doing gig work because because I couldn’t get accredited as a civil engineer despite the appropriate degrees.

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I know a guy who can’t get his P.eng despite 30 years experience because they want him to take an English course because he is an immigrant. He is English!

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It’s dumb that he has to do that, but why not just do it?

How old is the person in question? My daughters middle school teacher is in their first year and ghosted 4 emails from me, which I know they received since I went to an event and spoke with them in person. That was a first.

He is making $300,000/year as VP of an engineering firm with about 500 engineers working for him. He doesn’t need the certification. He is a big enough deal that he has raised the issue at the international level now too.

His wife was forced to take a $19,000 one year English course to get her teaching certificate having taught in England for 20 years already.

It’s just pure racism and protectionism. They can afford to do it but many people can’t. It has to stop.


This is true


It’s really ridiculous. When combined with the popularity of giant pickup trucks, putting the lights right at eye level, it’s absurd.

My fiancée now just refuses to drive at night because her astigmatism apparently makes lights even more blinding and she struggles to see.


Just cover them up with a couple pieces of duct tape imo.

She may also be developing cataracts, since that was one of the noticeable signs for me. Ask her if the oncoming headlights look like starbursts or have halos.

How old do you think she is?

Night driving is incredibly stressful for me.

Off to see the greatest CIS straight drag show of all time. A little band named KISS.

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What’s the second greatest?

Well as long as it’s just dress up Paul Stanley is fine with it.

I knew Paul Stanley’s sister, our kids were friends. Paul’s niece was a super progressive gender-bending teen who tacked hard into TERFism at around age 16. So it runs in the family I guess.

On Thanksgiving five years ago, my microwave conked out. Ran out that night to buy a new one because we were using it to heat some things up for Thanksgiving dinner (a couple pre-made sides). That one just stopped working tonight, just a couple weeks before Thanksgiving.

Shopping online right now, I’m annoyed that most models open with a push button. I like recessed handles. It looks like I could buy the same one I have for a reasonable price. Hmmmm.

[/cool story]

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I need training on how to quickly angle my side mirrors to give them a taste of their own at stops (if that’s even possible)

Has the freeway closure in Los Angeles made national news? I feel like when Carmageddon (closing of the 405 for a weekend) happened it was something that people talked about, and this is worse - the 10 is shut down near downtown because there was a huge fire underneath it. They don’t know when it can reopen. Rush hour traffic is going to be historic.