2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

nimbys block the public transport too


I hate phone apps that start with ā€œMy.ā€ Fuck off making it so I canā€™t find the app because I scroll to what it SHOULD be named, not remembering you tacked on ā€œMy.ā€


Thanks to everyone who weighed in on my laptop question. I went with the Mac because I donā€™t have any files to transfer, I like how it feels, and I wanted to try something new. Plus my wife teaches a computer class and she has had to talk students through using the finder tool, so she should be able to help me out if I get stuck.


Send it over to the unhinged non political rant thread.

I search all the time. Su or sub brings up MySubaru for remote starting.

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I only have one MySomething app on my phone. Several SamsungSomething apps though.

Iā€™ve been trying to remember all the cell phones Iā€™ve owned and when I got them. Not easy. Memory is tricky. I feel like Biden and even Trump are probably fine for their age.

My first cell phone was not this but similar. I think I got it late 90s but would be lucky to guess when within a year.


Big upgrade ~2006. Camera and MP3!


First real smartphone, ~2011. Seems late.
Had a built-in kickstand. Crappy battery but at least it was easily replaceable.


On average Iā€™ve held onto phones 5 years so Iā€™m due next year but what I have now feels fine.

Buses just suck. You get all the traffic of a car trip with extra stops. You canā€™t leave exactly when you want and you normally have to walk a way to get to a stop.

On the other hand, subways are the best. Zero traffic, very little waiting, and in a city with a good subway system, the stops are everywhere (but not always the case, so weā€™ll call this a wash with respect to buses).

Unfortunately, one of those is a lot easier to implement than the other.



Thatā€™s amazing.

What in the actual fuck youtube? The full image on the right shows her in an alligatorā€™s mouth with the water turning pink. Recommended for me? And of course I clicked it so I could downvote it, which means theyā€™ll probably just show it to me a ton more.

I donā€™t really want to start a huge discussion about urban planning, but thereā€™s a hell of a lot more to it than choosing between buses or cars on congested roads. Zoning, road design, multiple modes of transportation, etc., all factor into it. Thereā€™s a wealth of information on this readily available on YouTube for example.

The way that cities are designed here is just a disaster and is objectively bad on many fronts. ā€œBuses currently suckā€ is well understood but the people advocating for improved urban design.


Buses can be pretty good if planned well. Some of the things that NYC does are dedicated bus lanes on certain routes, mix of express and local buses, and longer distance commuter buses. I actually ride the bus much more often than I ride the subway now. Yes itā€™s still ā€œslowā€ in some sense, but the city is so dense that I typically donā€™t have to go very far anyway. In fact, for most normal errands I just walk.

At rush hour thereā€™s an express bus that stops 3 blocks from my house and then basically non-stop to downtown LA and a lot of the FW is in a bus only lane. It takes about 3/4ths as long as driving.

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Yeah I know a few people who take that. Itā€™s a great deal. Much faster than trying to take Metro.

buses are 100x more practical than subways. they are cheaper to build and operate, their routes are flexible. they can easily avoid traffic with dedicated lanes during rush hour. they can run on times as regular as rail, and be robust enough to boost service when needed. the same school bus can be a short route service around a 15-min city, and provide longer multi-hour trips between cities. no rail can compete with that.

in short, buses are not the problem.

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having said that, i just converted my '97 MTB into an e-bike with a kit from china. now i just need a milk-crate, and i will be joining the electric mobility revolution.

it turns out i can make it to costco (furthest grocery trip) and back in ~50 minutes (7 miles away) without even trying to go fast, and i am never on anything but a bike path. taking the car would be at best ~10-15 minutes faster, but the reality is red lights, traffic, and parking easily eat a lot of the time savings.


I donā€™t go to Costco often but when I do I certainly couldnā€™t carry my purchases home on a bike. Would need to pull a trailer behind the bike or something.

On top of red lights, etc, another thing to consider for short trips is time spent parking. Door to door to my grocery store is actually faster on my bike during all but the quietest times because any time savings driving the route are canceled out by finding a parking spot and walking through the parking lot to the front door.

Valentines Day WOAT. So fucking stupid.

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