2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Have you done any troubleshooting? Some issues are easy to fix if you’re handy at all.

Downtown is all red and gnarly on maps on a Sunday night. Can’t imagine what tomorrow morning’s gonna be like.

A ramp out here (major one, between expressways) was closed because of a fire about a year ago. A lane is still closed. Think there was a bridge collapse in Philly because of a fire underneath.

It has, showed up on msn, google new, and the like. Where is it at on the 10?

Are these arson? Odd to have a large number of fires under vulnerable overpass structures

No, there’s just a lot of interstate and a lot of shit underneath the interstate.

There was apparently a massive pallet storage lot underneath the freeway. In hindsight perhaps not a good idea!

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Oh shit.

Youre all super fucked if youre anywhere near that area.

" * Officials are urging people who work in downtown to consider working from home if possible."

Gee, its almost as if we should be doing that everywhere, as much as possible


A little. I think it’s just fucked. Turns on and operates, but doesn’t heat.

It’s on cnn.com.

When you say it operates, the light comes on, the display works, the turntable rotates, the fan is on, you hear the transformer hum?

If the magnetron is bad and it’s not an expensive model, then it might not be worth repairing. Otherwise, it could be a relatively cheap fix. If you’re adventurous you can get fairly good instructions on YouTube. You’d need screwdrivers, pliers, and a multimeter. You can find parts on eBay.

The main hazard is from the high voltage capacitor. You have to be careful to discharge it properly. If you watch this done and you’re not comfortable doing it, just get a new microwave.

Holy shit what a name. Sounds like a Bond villain combined with Eddie Haskell combined with a 4th generation failson twit.

The fact that he got caught by hiring day laborers to haul the bags of body parts is the most LA thing ever.


Also the most Failson Twit the 4th thing. What am I going to do, haul my own body parts?


I’m thinking this isn’t the kind of case they assign to Columbo.

This is definitely a case for Half Nelson.

Never heard of it but that’s some cast!

You really should watch the pilot. It’s utterly mesmerizing from end to end.

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CanadaMatt nailed it.

I-10 is known as the Santa Monica Freeway. When I checked at rush hour the backup was back to, naturally, Santa Monica.