2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Nothing gory. Kid in a minivan tries to retrieve something out of the trunk by climbing over the back seat. The seat folds into the folding compartment with him in it and he cant move. He cant reach his phone but uses Siri to call 911. He tells the dispatcher he is in real trouble, the make, model, and color of the van and which parking lot he is located in. He cant hear the dispatcher since the phone isnt close enough but he keeps saying he is going to die if they dont help him.

She sends the cops but either doesnt relay that info or relays it poorly. The cops drive through the parking lot without stopping or getting out to look around, making snarky comments about the rich kids cars and then leave.

6 hours later the father opens the trunk to get something and finds his boy dead.

I would add the cop didnā€™t turn down his music either. But hey, the parents received 6 million dollars in tax payer money and it only cost them their son. Infuriating. The kid was so composed and calm. More so than I believe I would be. Gave them all the necessary information and they failed him. Iā€™d love to know what happened to those fucking idiots.

Oh, probably suspension with pay for a year and then moved over to a different nearby police department.

JFC, now Iā€™m mad.

Iā€™ve seen so many examples of cops doing shit like that. They just donā€™t care and they can become impossibly obtuse when it suits them.

From the title ā€œInternetā€™s Darkest Cornersā€ I assumed it was some horrific 911 call that 4chan or w/e was spreading for edgelord shock value.

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Thatā€™s like the opposite of a weeb

Is it just me or is hurricane Heleneā€™s impact not really being covered? Like, literal towns were washed away. I would have thought it would be wall to wall coverage and everyone talking about it, but it doesnā€™t seem that way.

I only listened to the first story of that video and decided I didnā€™t need anymore of that. But in the first story, the 911 operator deserved way more hate than the cops. She didnā€™t relay the make and model of the car, she didnā€™t relay which parking lot he was in, or that it was life threatening. The kid called 911 twice relaying it all both times.

Iā€™m sorry to hear that Marksman. Hopefully you can find some peace in your memories together.

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Itā€™s the 6th story down on CNN.com right now which is wild. Not in the top 10 on Fox News. All I can think up is that these places are hard to get to so it makes for a difficult story to tell.

Hard to get to. No large populations stranded like in Katrina. Press and public are super distracted by the election.

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Nice little heart warming read. Sure loving all my different private insurances right now

Crowleyā€™s stuff is hard to categorize. Its rarely gratuitous and much more often depressing and dark. He uses a lot of scratchy visuals and audio distortions to add a creepy atmosphere, but mostly the stories are centered around true and dark stories

I think those things are largely true, and you can only see so much destruction before it all starts to look the same. And the survivor stories sound the same. Not that different from mass shooting coverage. Disasters and tragedies of all kinds are so much more common now than they were years ago. And even the major media companies find their resources stretched. You cover them and you move on.
Thereā€™s probably a lot of local coverage, but the people who need to see it donā€™t have power. I think more follow up could be done of past hurricanes, like Ian. But yeah, the election is probably a better ratings grabber, and sadly thatā€™s what the news business seems to be about these days.


Thatā€™s part of it, but another factor I think is that Katrina was almost 20 years of climate change ago, and now crushing catastrophic natural disasters are going to become like US school shootings, occuring with increasing regularity where each one is less shocking than the last until no one cares anymore. A hurricane destroying thousands of lives is just another Tuesday in America in the 21st century. Thoughts and prayers.


Whoops, I just posted a similar thing. My pony lost itā€™s home in a flood.

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I donā€™t think I have the mental fortitude to read this today.

I had never seen this before, and itā€™s simultaneously obvious and mind-blowing.


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I didnā€™t think about this much but I donā€™t understand. How do you pick a random number based off of a distribution without any parameters to the distribution? And if you do know the distribution why not just keep going if it is less than the mean. Iā€™m clearly missing something

Itā€™s a standard Gaussian distribution, so itā€™s distributed ~N(0,1), right?

A ā€œstandardā€ Gaussian is parameterized, mean zero, variance 1.