2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Its late, but the old adage of better late than never still remains undefeated.

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Seizure dogs are the fucking best.




I love how the dog just whips the fridge door open.

That Coty Craven is one very disturbed individual.

Pretty catchy.


Is it just me or does that website basically bring Chrome to a crawl? A few other sites with a lot of ads do it too. I’m wondering if it’s some way they’re fighting back against adblock.


Only thing better would be to shine a black light on the couch.

That “Please Do Not Touch” sign was there only in case JD Vance showed up.

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Macron got impatient waiting for Le Pen to do it, so he just went fascist on his own.

I read that article. Isn’t it more than theres clearly no block that can command a majority? What’s he supposed to do?

Bob’s point is Macron isn’t directing his centrist party to support the Left, therefore the centrists are actually fascists I guess.

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How did he manage to name Elisabeth Borne PM in 2022 when Ensemble failed to capture a majority of the seats in parliament?

Yeah, because he failed to do what’s usually done because it didn’t go a way he liked. He’s saying that the NFP alliance would immediately be censored because HIS centrist alliance would censor it. And I’m not Bob. Have you thought I was Microbob all this time?

And this is after Macron said he wouldn’t name a PM until the stupid Olympics were over. What a joke.

His hands are tied you jerk. The proof is that he tied his hands.

The French political system makes no sense at all. It’s government by Condorcet’s paradox. It’s like the architects of their constitution were primarily interested in dreaming up interesting ways to have political crises.

This was a very different situation, as they were not that far from the majority. They counted on the tacit support of LR (right wing) who mostly voted with them and would not vote “censure” against them. (It was rumoured that LR would vote censure in the fall, which explains why Macron felt compelled to call for elections now).

This is definitely outrageous though. The Olympics excuse is obv bad faith because he is the one who decided for snap elections to be called beforehand. The electoral campaign was roughly 3 weeks. The fact that he waited SEVEN weeks after the result to even start considering naming a new PM is pretty horrible (now we have his unelected governement still writing outlines for the next budget etc…they just have as title “resigning Minister of (…)” when appearing on the news but this doesnt change their day-to-day).

I would also prefer him to name a Leftist PM now but tbh when all the others have said they would censure them, it’s not unjustifiable. Macron’s never been much of a democrat but this is certainly not as bad as the way he passed retirement reform (bypassing a Parliament vote for something that polled at <20% in public opinion).

This worked fine as long as we had (roughly) a two-party system, which was the case for 60+ years. Now that there’s three blocks, that none of them want to work with either of the others, it’s indeed looking unclear how this could work. (and the fact that elections can only be called once a year doesn’t help).

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I’ve seen an increasing amount of this clearly AI generated garbage on social media, and the sheer number of idiots that don’t understand it’s fake is mind boggling. What is the end game with these? Just identifying targets for pig butchering type scams from people who comment? This one has 55k likes and 1k+ comments and from a quick scoll it seemals like all but one of them are blindly praising how beautiful ans wonderful this Herrif…err officer is.