2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Just search twitter for college acceptance stories. The racism is SO BLATANT when a white kid with a 4.5 gpa and a 1600 SAT doesn’t get into Cornell. Clearly, the only reason is because of the blacks that took his spot (and couldnt possibly be Cornell material, gee I wonder why) and not because Cornell’s annual acceptance rate is like 3%

I think this sums it up incredibly well, and it’s what I’ve seen as someone who has been involved on the internet since the early 2000’s, especially in gaming spaces:

“Edgelords” who’d once used ​“strategic irony” to challenge the status quo ​“began to believe their own rhetoric.”



This only applies if you’re in the top 15ish USA percentile of some rating that would be combo of current wealth and advantageous economic positioning going forward

It’s staggering the way this board cannot seem to grasp how life changing even an immediate $10,000 would be to the vast majority of USAians


Like what do y’all think most people’s credit card debt looks like

What do you think their savings looks like


And I’m talking about entire life trajectory, not discounting the future for immediate gratification

Rest assured when I buy that monkeys paw im making sure every working person gets a ton of gold.


I kind of understand what you’re getting at, but at the same time I can’t imagine what kind of comments you think people should be making to demonstrate an adequate grasp of how life changing an immediate $10,000 would be to the vast majority of Americans. Are you proposing that any discussion about money, even about a patently absurd hypothetical, needs to come with disclaimer that all comments must be read with the understanding that in our hearts we truly care “enough”? Why wouldn’t we just assume that to be the case?

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…which will instantly materialize in their living rooms in 1-ton bricks. Good luck cashing it in, folks.

It IS a monkey’s paw, after all.

It’s like how forgiving 5-10k of student loans would be a significant help to a lot of people rather than a failure because it isn’t total loan forgiveness.

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they’re looking at it (way) too much based on numbers.

the amount of enjoyment someone gets going from nothing to 950k is multiples higher than the enjoyment they’d get going from 950k to 30 million. eliminating the stress of paycheck to paycheck is enough for probably 75% of the country to live a happy life.

i’m taking the 950k. somebody used the term ‘risk of ruin’ earlier, 950k means i can live the rest of my life the way that i want to. materially nothing changes, but maaan does my overall outlook change. if 950k is 99% to make me happy, i can’t give that up for a 45% chance of that same happiness only in maui. bc what i do to be happy isn’t going to change from 950k to $30 million.

the best part of 30 million would be setting up the people i’m close with. i could do a lot of good with it. 950k is probably a selfish decision from that perspective, but i’d get over it.


that’s because it’s not all math in a real life decision like this. the expected life value goes up a lot faster from 0 to 950k than it does after that.

you were all, “well i guess if they took 950k assets/investments away from me, i’d have to think about it” while tucking in your tailored shirt and straightening your monocle :rofl::rofl::rofl:

gtfoh man, this isn’t your hypothetical, if the money doesn’t make a difference to you then neither does your opinion. this isn’t $95 or a 45% chance at $3,000. i bet the vast majority of people taking the $950k would gamble and look more at expected value then. if the money doesn’t mean much to you, that’s how you’re looking at it. the same way most people would look at $95 or 45% chance at $3,000.

i don’t mean disrespect, i just don’t think you’re able to see the point of view of 50% of americans.

edit: as the stakes increase, so do other considerations.




lol that’s got quite a few layers

you were all, “well i guess if they took 950k assets/investments away from me, i’d have to think about it” while tucking in your tailored shirt and straightening your monocle :rofl::rofl::rofl:

not what I said at all. I have some assets like a 401k and home equity, I didn’t say or imply they’re worth 950k.

i don’t mean disrespect, i just don’t think you’re able to see the point of view of 50% of americans.

I absolutely am able to see it for 50% of Americans, I really just expected people who were into gambling to have different risk tolerances than the rest of the population. And frankly the way you mischaracterized my earlier post, you did mean to be disrespectful so fuck off with that part.

Just fucking once I’d to see someone pretend to be a former conservative who became a liberal and is completely lying about it. Why doesn’t it happen? Where are all the shitposting libs who say things like “My dad was a police officer and always taught me to respect authority figures, but after George Floyd died, and I saw the lies and callous attitudes of those who swore to protect us, I knew that abolishing the police is the right way to go” just fucking once somewhere! Where are these people? Every goddamn republican on the likes to pretend their an independent straight shooter who doesn’t support those lying politicians, where are my independents who only vote democrat.

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They exist. They’re conservatives pretending to be former conservatives for the long con grift where they can pretend to be triggered ex-liberals who have returned to being conservative (or maybe a fake independent who somehow always takes the conservative side).