2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Wtf. If I think of Gilbert and Queen Creek, I just picture citrus, cowpies, and scorpions. Maybe the Circle K.

Didnt we just do this? Who would possibly put money down on this?

“The Goons grew to be a beast. It was deeper and scarier than we imagined,” Brennan said. “This thing went 20 to 30 kids deep. There had been violent attacks for years. We didn’t know how big it was.”

Brennan and Rogers said the stories pouring in shared consistencies: common locations, the same styles of attack, the same individuals named.

“What surprised me was how extreme these kids have become,” Brennan said. “Flaunting clips on social media, bragging about beating kids, tagging police in videos.”

These kids are free to wild for years, and no one takes their bullying and thuggery seriously until someone dies. Once you get to 5-10 kids, the rest are probably just weak-minded followers who joined the gang to keep from getting beat up. It’s trivially easy to convince otherwise ordinary boys/men to commit heinous crimes if you have enough group dynamic going on.

But she said she is still troubled that about a dozen other kids involved in the attack on her son “got off scot-free.”

Court records obtained by The Republic show the Goon who attacked Jarnagan’s son bragged on Snapchat about it: “I already beat somenone’s ass tn” and “he wouldn’t give me his car so I punched him in the back of his head and he gave me $20.00.” In another post, he posed with a shotgun.

Court records show the same teenager was also responsible for the brass knuckle attack on Nitzen’s son just two days earlier at the Gilbert party. Authorities described both attacks as “vicious.”

The teenager was charged with aggravated robbery and aggravated assault in the two cases. He was detained for more than three months before being placed on probation.

But some 16-year-old black kid breaks into a house with a buddy, the police shoot the buddy, and the kid goes to jail for life for felony murder.

Yep, now I’m in a blind rage.

“Curb Your Enthusiasm” is officially ending with Season 12, which premieres Feb. 4 at 10 p.m. on HBO and Max. The 10-episode season will conclude with a series finale on April 7.


Lol? You haven’t been in the state in 20+ years.


Larry 4 eva



I could be mistaken, but I heard the people want a dose of private equity cringe?


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What is the goal of this shit?

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Ya know, maybe AI isn’t such a bad idea. Gotta be better than this.

The Blackstone people must be suicidal but afraid to do it themselves so they’re trying to incite a French revolution.


Four years, but it doesn’t matter.

Presented without comment.


I’m not sure what the point is supposed to be. The “correct” answer if one used the Kelly criterion or other similar bet sizing strategy would be dependent on the amount of money that they already have.

The correct answer is to call up Blackstone and tell them for the low, low price of $5M you will sell them a 50% share of the outcome.


True. I was assuming such shenanigans were not allowed. But that type of strategy would be the best way to go.

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Just a general glimpse into society, I suppose.

the purely EV-based decision is to take the 45% chance, but in real life there are many other factors. The replies cover the gamut.

I suppose, but maximizing EV is not always correct, whether the question is real life or theoretical, you need to consider ROR as well.

  • Guaranteed $950,000
  • 45% Chance $30 million
0 voters

I will go ahead and admit I’m taking the $950K. Pull up!


If they are offering you 950,000 as the safe option, surely you could get them to top it off at an even 1 million. Some of you guys are leaving 50k on the table imo.