2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


I shouldn’t post when I’m detoxing. I just couldn’t resist the TV themes thread.

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“It takes money to make money and actually working for a living is hard” - biggest brain genius in capitalism


Nah, you’re cool. You’re human. “Never include your tabs in any screenshot because they give away far more information than you realize” is a lesson oft learned the hard way, and this was far from the hardest of ways, especially since you don’t really care if people here know that you have celiac. But you could also nuke the pic or have a mod do it if it’s too late if you’d like.

If I have to show someone a screen shot that includes my browser I’ll throw in a bunch of fake weird tabs as a joke so they know I never look at anything on the internet that I’d be embarrassed about.


A friend of mine went through a stage of posting a weekly picture of him with a pint (of beer, for the Americans)

And then he’d have his laptop screen showing somewhere with some weird google porn search.


I at least understand most sexual things but cartoon porn makes zero sense to me.

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Perhaps you’re too literal?

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Possible. :grin:


Now that 2p2 is kaput this reminds me of the time that someone posted some screenshot of Amazon for some reason and in the recently viewed section there was some pedo-adjacent type book

Wait it’s kaput? Down or gone?

It’s back, was down for 6 hours yesterday.

I’m getting no site.

Loads for me and I see people posting. Other people here know much more about this than me, I’m sure, but I think once there’s an issue with DNS records the fix can take a while to propagate. One person reported 2+2 was loading on their phone but not on their home internet.


In this case it’s probably the device caching the bad DNS. There are ways to flush the DNS dependent on device and OS. But rebooting usually does it.

I don’t think that I could ever see a tab that would ever phase me that doesn’t fall under some sort of legal or ethical grey area or worse.

Yeah IIRC it was more than one thing. Like a confessions of a pedophile book on Amazon and another tab of something creepy like how to meet girls online (but not exactly that).

I did a little digging and didn’t find the original post but found another post that referenced it. the books were “Diary of a Pedophile” and “How to Become a Porn Director”

LOLOLOL yeah. Amazing.