2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I really cannot wait to begin treatment. On that note, the doctor with whom I am already frustrated may not be able to see me quickly. I’ve done some research and it would be possible to go rogue, get my own machine, and start immediately - there is a big community of people that apparently do this. It’s expensive, but I have nothing to which I can compare it. Insurance will pay 50% of my costs (I think) with no deductible, but I have no clue what that will be out-of-pocket. I have a hunch that 50% of rack rate costs will not be a lot less than 100% of the costs if I’m hunting discounts. To buy a machine and all the supplies on my own looks like it’d be in the $1000 range to get started.

It would be just like me to decide I’m going to manage this myself, so I’m taking this urge with a big grain of salt. I’m going to press the doctor to see me quickly and if that doesn’t work I’ll look for another doctor to review my study results. If I still can’t be seen quickly I may charge ahead on my own out of frustration.

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Any Canadian folks have recommendations for things to do in Nova Scotia? Going up there this weekend to play a little golf with some friends. Should have some time to check things out.

that’s f’ing awesome. like you coulda said ‘every human blood stream’ or ‘every human kidney’, you wanna catch my attention, you says it’s in my nuts lmao

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Thanks. That eases my mind.

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Cpap/bipap saved my life.


I’m also in the camp that my bipap machine has dramatically improved the quality of my life.

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This chart from the WSJ about the flight looks crazy


Very sad. And a good reminder to always always always wear your seatbelt, even if the sign is off and it’s a smooth flight.

ETA: Reading that the fatality was likely cardiac arrest, not blunt trauma, but the above still certainly applies.

I can absolutely imagine somebody believing they are about to die set off a heart attack. Jfc, that chart.

I do the trick of looking at the attendants when anything unusual happens. I don’t think I would have gotten any comfort this time.


I’m generally not a nervous flier (although getting struck by lighting a few weeks ago certainly tested that!), but I use this with Ms. JordanIB frequently when she gets nervous about things. “A plane has never fallen out of the sky from turbulence” doesn’t seem to work as well.

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I have posted about this several times, but I was on a plane that had a bird strike/ingestion on take off and one of the flight attendants was crying and wigging out. Was not great!


That would be panic time for me.


Yikes. I’ve had aborted landings and take-offs where they looked a little worried. But nothing like that.

When dog Jake passed, I got texts from my wife just as we were landing about his condition and I called her before we got on the ground. attendant chastised me and I said “just informed my dog is in the process of dying”. He apparently thought I said Dad not dog. He was very sympathetic. I was crying and don’t correct him.

She demanded the captain come back into the cabin, move people out of the row closest to the problem engine, and listen to it. Which he did. I was on my way back from Boston after the Red Sox parade when they broke the curse in 04, so I had been drinking for four days straight and did not stop before getting on the plane, so I was pretty sanguine about it all.


As long as we’re talking scary airplane stuff, my business partner was on this flight:

Continental Airlines Flight 603 - Wikipedia.

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All fatalities are cardiac arrests, and arrhythmias can be the direct result of trauma. Not necessarily a stress induced MI or whatever

Even decapitation?

Heart stops beating rather quickly then.

There are some exceptions to this, but they involve brain death while still connected to the body

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