2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I was actually reminiscing about the first time I learned about the California roll from my brother. We lived in California at the time way back when like 40 years ago. Definitely a real thing.

I don’t see it nearly as much in texas.

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That is crazy. I definitely would push this with them that you need the results sooner, especially if there is a problem. The doctor can look at them in like thirty seconds.

As AQ said it’s about their piece of the pie.

Did you go through your regular doctor or a sleep doctor? Can your regular doctor get the results from them?

I have been putting off a colonoscopy forever, the prep is the part I am most worried about.

Ask your doctor for the Miralax/gatorade and Dulcolax prep. It really is very simple. A few pills at 2pm. Drink a bottle of gatorade, drink another bottle in the evening. Shit your brains out at 11pm-2am. Done with the scope by 10am. Small inconvenience to potentially save your life by early detection of whatever issues may be killing you.


My biggest fear right now is house is being remodeled and the closest bathroom to my room is on other side of house, I am just worried about managing that.

My doctor keeps telling me I have to get it done but I have to find a doctor to do it. I am good at coming up with excuses to put it off. (My insurance changes in a few months and I will need to find a new gp etc etc)

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I’ve done it twice and never had any sense of urgency to use the toilet, it’s more like when you have some bad sausage or half-hour pizza. As long as you are staying at home you should not have to worry about your butt exploding or any other sit-com related issues with getting to the toilet.


I called the sleep doctor’s office again, got the office manager, told her I had asked for the results and was denied, and very clearly said “I am requesting my medical records.” Didn’t even have to go down the HIPAA route. She emailed them immediately.


The diagnosis of moderate obstructive sleep apnea is supported based on the Apnea-Hypopnea
Index (AHI*) of 25.7/hr. Mr. LFS was noted to have hypopneas with desaturation as low as

This is honestly fantastic news, it may mean that the way I’ve been feeling has an explanation and is something that can be treated.

And they were going to make me wait until July to do something about this. Now they’re saying they’ll get me in next week.


Congrats, made a massive difference for me


Do you think that your current weight loss is already improving your sleep apnea?

Helping maybe. But it took months for me to figure out sleeping with a cpap machine well, and I had lost most of the weight by the time I got it working for me. Still made a huge difference

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Sure, every generation has had their version of this for decades. But now it has a new name, time to scare all the Olds!


BORG is a pretty sweet name for it tbh.



The writing punny names on it is great too. Borgan Wallen made me chuckle


Don’t worry if we have plastic in every one of us, we also have forever chemicals as well


You will see a marked difference. It was a game changer for me, plus now I don’t have to worry about, ya know, spontaneously dying while I sleep like I did previously.

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