2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Same here. I do tons of walking too. You have to stay vigilant and make sure they see you before you put yourself in harm’s way. That would still be true even if everyone routinely came to full stops.

The most dangerous spot is people turning right on a green when you have a walk signal, especially on a shallow > 90 degree turn that they’re used to flying around. I’ve seen two older people go up on the hood of a Prius who would have been killed if it was a big SUV.

I’d have been killed crossing Anza here a couple dozen times if I just started walking when the light turned green. People are so fixated on craning their necks to look down Anza to turn right from Lomita onto Anza when the light is red, once they see the light turn green they just gun it. Or if they’re approaching and see the light turn green, they just keep flying around the turn. It terrifies me that I only have to get distracted and forget once.

I’d be ok with the city announcing, “We’re going to start enforcing full stops”, and then doing so. I just have a problem with these parks putting stop signs at weird places, with cameras, taking advantage of ingrained habits. Especially when the state has ruled camera traps illegal on public property.

Take all this poop talk to the Travel thread where it belongs.


I just had my first one a few months ago and it was a piece of cake. Prep was the worst part. I realize you didn’t ask but I’m sharing this experience any time it comes up in convo as I’d hate to see someone put it off due to fear. I also had a fine needle aspiration of my thyroid 2 days later and that sucked a fat dick. Give me the colonoscopy every time.


Thanks. I’m not really afraid. Obviously, still not looking forward to it. Nevertheless, I will do it.

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Those are usually sent from the insurance company. My wife took one at 45 (first planned colonoscopy at 50). I was “clean as a whistle” at 50 so don’t need another until 60. Insurance sent me a kit at 55.

But if you have any history (family or personal) do the colonoscopy.

Oh that prep, especially the aftermath. I had an upper GI series back in the 90s. I had to drink many glasses of barium sulfate while they did the scans.

It is the least big deal of all the getting older deals. You have an uncomfortable day prepping where you can’t eat much of anything, then you find someone to take you to and from the appointment, you put on a gown, get wheeled into the suite, count backwards for a minute, and you come to 30 minutes or so latter, and they tell you to lie on your side and fart. And you can’t operate heavy equipment the rest of the day. Worst part of mine is I just got another $300 bill for the last one I had in January.

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There was just a reddit thread on funny things you can say before they put you under.

The two winners were:

You get need me to pick up anything before I go out?

Y’all wanna hear a joke? How do you keep a anesthesiologist in suspense? (This one takes good timing)

the stuff they give you for prep is waaaay better than it used to be, it tastes fine, works quick, and you only have to drink about 3 ounces

They changed the protocol in my last one. Used to be chugging golightly which was gross. Now it’s 4 ducolax and a small bottle of miralax in Gatorade.

Worst part of mine was that it wasn’t until 1p which meant I had to go like 36 hours without solid food.

this is what I used:


each bottle (you drink one, wait a bit, drink the other) is apparently 175ml, I thought they were even smaller than that.

Kaiser started wanting poop samples at like 40 and a colonoscopy at like 50. I think they might have bumped that up to 55.

I had a colonoscopy within the last year and I had to drink like a gallon of vile stuff to prep.

I was under for the procedure (I didn’t request that. It’s just what they did.). So it was nothing, or at least nothing I remembered.

I woke up (or regained consciousness/memory, depending on how you look at it) during my colonoscopy a couple of years ago, but was completely unperturbed about it.

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Not in Colorado this January… it was almost a gallon of something mixed with Gatorade

Colonoscopy/endoscopy/barium upper GI scan pro here. Stopped counting scopes after like 22 or 23. The prep is significantly better than it was a decade ago. It’s really not bad if you go the dulcolax and Miralax/gatorade route. But absolutely try to schedule your scope for as early as possible. One day of prep is enough, no need to prolong your hunger and inconvenience any longer than needed.

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Hey that’s probably counterfeit


I “woke up” when I was a teenager during a combination 4x wisdom tooth removal and grafting of skin from the roof of my mouth to my bottom gums

Then a week later, the sutures in the roof of my mouth burst in the middle of the night when I was sound asleep. I dreamt that I was swallowing the ocean to keep from drowning in it

Could not stop the bleeding at home, so had to bleed all over my mom’s car on the way to the ER

I’m about to have my 2nd colonoscopy/endoscopy combo next month. The hunger the day before was the worst part of the first one.


Take a hit of zepbound!

Get some gummy bears, clear colors with no red or purple. You can trick yourself in to thinking you’re eating when you have “food” to chew on throughout the day. It’s dumb but it helps.

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