2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Buddy, senior housing is always an STD hotspot

I think Iā€™d support LFS as emperor of driving. Getting rid of right on red anywhere there are pedestrians is on my list


Thank you for your support!

My immediate change would be to make people pass a driving test that evaluates actual real-world driving situations instead of just ā€œcan you start and stop an automobileā€. This should be achievable with technology - realistic VR driving tests that make people check blind spots, see pedestrians, drive defensively, etc. The kind of testing Iā€™m talking about will result in at least 50% of current drivers no longer being licensed. Also, you will need to re-take this test yearly from the ages of 18-25 and 60 to death. Between those ages itā€™s every five years.

Of course, the above change will need to be accompanied by robust expansion of quality public transportation for all the people who can no longer drive.

Once these things are implemented we might be able to have right-on-red back, but I totally agree it doesnā€™t work currently.


I know a bunch of you have dealt with sleep apnea:

On 4/30 I did a home sleep study. Two weeks later the doctorā€™s office called me to schedule an appointment for me to come into the office to discuss the results. The earliest appointment to do so is July 22. I said OK, I understand you want me to come in to discuss the results, but please send me the results so I can look at them myself. They said no, we canā€™t send you the results until the doctor has reviewed them. Which he wonā€™t do until youā€™re coming to the office in July. I debated this for a while with the poor soul who was just calling me to make the appointment until she finally said the office manager would call me back. Did not receive a call back.

Am I the crazy one here? Arenā€™t they my results? Either the sleep study shows no apnea, in which case why am I coming into the office at all, or it shows apnea, in which case why I am I waiting nearly three months to even know wtf is going on let alone doing something about it?

This strikes me as bizarro world stuff but if Iā€™m being a Karen Iā€™ll shut up. But for now Iā€™m planning on calling and demanding access to my medical information, as I believe is my right.


Do an online process where they ship you the test and then the CPAP all in like 5-6 business days total.

Donā€™t waste months of your life straining your heart and being tired all the time, just so your doctor can get his affiliate money

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He was on some show recently (Alex Jones I think) talking about womens place of being mothers and homemakers, and Alex asked him ā€œSo when are you finally going to settle down and start making catholic babies, youre a good looking guy, im sure the girls are crawling all over youā€ to which he kinda chuckled meekly and said something like ā€œyeah I just havent found the right one yetā€ and then switching topics.

Its pretty clear

They already did hook up last year during the whole Ye fiasco.

I agree, itā€™s your information and waiting 2 months is absurd. Especially since you presumably paid for it.

In the past Iā€™ve had test results posted to a ā€œpatient portalā€ that was accessible even before the doctor has the results (if you can even figure out how to set up your portal account) so maybe this is an option?

As a compromise, if the Dr. really wants to discuss the results before releasing them to you, he should be willing to call you or squeeze you in within, say, 48 hours.

Make a big sign and start protesting in front of the office all day imo. #IStandWithLFS


Youā€™re not crazy; youā€™re correct.

What you are describing is technically a HIPAA violation. Under HIPAA you have the right to your medical records upon request. They must provide them. They cannot force you to have an appointment to get them. I think they can charge a nominal fee for copies and they have a certain amount of time to comply (? a month, itā€™s been a while since I have looked into it).

So you should call them up and ask to speak to some sort of manager person. Explain to them that they are committing a HIPAA violation (this will get their attention). You can even read to them the relevant portion of the law. Often times the facilities themselves give you handouts informing you of your rights, so if you happen to have that, you can just read what they gave you for maximum LOLs. If they do not comply you will report them to the OCR and as a result there will likely be an investigation.

I have no idea what the worst case scenario would be for them. I suspect it would be a relatively small fine. However, no one wants to deal with a HIPAA violation or investigation. This should likely cause them to send you the damn records. If you have some sort of patient portal you should also make this threat in writing and send it to them.

The downside of this is that it might damage your relationship with them a bit. This depends a lot on who you are dealing with. It will be worse if it is a small private office. They canā€™t retaliate against you, but they wonā€™t be inclined to bend over backwards for you either. I personally wouldnā€™t be that worried about that, but itā€™s something to consider.

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Thanks. The more I think about it the more I donā€™t give a fuck how they feel about me. Iā€™ve only been there once and am super not-excited to return. Iā€™ll get the test results and take them to another doctor.

You have a right to your results, both under the CURES act and HIPAA.

Heā€™s looking for one with a penis?

There are lots of women with a penis

The point is the hypocrisy, not whether he prefers men or trans women wo bottom surgery.

Itā€™s that he trashes anything outside of heteronormative dogma.

One thing I like about Kaiser is I get an email with results to all tests at the same time as the doctor. Didnā€™t really know that some places were different.

Like, had to wipe poop on a swab and mail it in for prostate cancer screening. Couple of days later: thanks for the :poop:, everything looks fine.

I would literally ask them to email you the results.

Probably colon cancer is what they were looking for

True. I canā€™t say I paid a whole lot of attention as long as it was negative, thankfully.

Well that certainly less fuss than a colonoscopy. I had considered what you did, but decided to go all out and get the colonoscopy. Itā€™s coming up in a couple months. Obviously, not looking forward to it.

Iā€™d do the poop by mail if itā€™s an option. I suspect it may be a significant advance over the old method, if only because you donā€™t need a colonoscopy. Google probably has relevant info.

Colonoscopy is a bit better at picking up certain things. I really donā€™t want to die of cancer, so Iā€™ll suck up the extra inconvenience.