2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

“And one day, out of the blue he said ‘I love you’. I didn’t want to kink shame him so I just ignored the text and now I am afraid to leave the house.”

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Congressional Research Service. The Federal TortClaims Act (FTCA):
A Legal Overview
Updated April 17, 2023

"For a substantial portion of this nation’s history, however, the doctrine of “sovereign immunity”
barred people injured by the tortious acts of a federal officer or employee from filing lawsuits
against the United States. Sovereign immunity is a legal doctrine that ordinarily prohibits private citizens from suing a sovereign state without its consent. Until the mid-20th century, a tort victim could obtain compensation from the United States
only by persuading Congress to pass a private bill compensating him for his loss.

Congress enacted the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), which authorizes plaintiffs to obtain compensation from the United States for the torts of its employees. Subjecting the federal government to tort liability creates a financial cost to the United
States, and it also may incentivize government officials to base their decisions on the desire to reduce the government’s exposure to monetary damages, regardless of the perceived social benefit of an alternative. In an attempt to mitigate these
potential negative effects of abrogating the government’s immunity from liability and litigation, the FTCA limits the circumstances in which a plaintiff may pursue a tort lawsuit against the United States. For example, the FTCA contains several exceptions that categorically bar plaintiffs from recovering tort damages in certain kinds of cases. Federal law also restricts the types and amount of damages a victorious plaintiff may recover in an FTCA suit. Additionally, a plaintiff may not initiate an FTCA lawsuit unless he has timely complied with a series of procedural requirements, such as providing the government an initial opportunity to evaluate the plaintiff’s claim and decide whether to settle it before the case proceeds to federal court."

Nice ad, too bad their tablets are crap.



Pretty sure TSA can be sued under that but this seemed more a philosophical discussion about would/should they have some liability which seems pretty clearly no anyway.

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I think they could be liable for assault under the FTCA but liability for negligence is generally a different beast. One deals with intentionally wrongful acts and the other would create a public legal obligation to not error at one’s job. The government would basically be on the hook whenever anything bad happened.

The absurd, violent fantasies of these maniacs make my head hurt


Don’t be liberal direct, be conservative direct. We all know the difference.

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I guess liberal direct is you approach the other father with tea and cookies and sit down to discuss how the bullying makes you feel, and conservative direct is you show up brandishing a gun and say if it happens again you are going to shove it up the 8 year old’s ass?


Lol. This meme seems designed for about 3 people on the planet.

My brother (when he was presenting as a girl) was bullied in his class by a first nations girl at school.

My mum took the liberal approach, intervened over several weeks and met the girls mum.

It fixed the problem and the other girl ended up coming to our birthday parties for about three years and was pretty cool.

Man. I wish mum had been more of a conservative.

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A black guy who was an actual historical figure, btw

I’m not all that knowledgeable about professional golf but according to my twitter feed it appears white people are outraged by Police actions for the first time ever

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I hate that I even know what people are talking about since I don’t even game, but here’s that person for those interested

The video is bad for Diddy






Don’t forget a nice slice of cherry pie

giphy (7)


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The local Costco for some reason isn’t making fruit pies very often. The apple is good. The cherry… oh man, I really want some of that right now.

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