2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


I think the peasants still need to remove belts by default. TSA Precheck lets you leave belts and shoes on. There are some variations depending on the airport and time of day.

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FDA should issue some bulletins reminding everyone to brush their teeth and breathe oxygen

I bought raw milk a couple of months ago. I mostly wanted the glass bottle but I didnā€™t want to waste the milk so I froze it and been drinking it a little at a time. Not dead yet.

Itā€™s basically a reverse lottery; mostly youā€™ll get whatever raw milk is supposed to be good for but every once in a while youā€™ll get really sick and maybe die.

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Is anyone following the New Yorker article on Lucy Letby and the furore it has created on Twitter? Iā€™m not sure what I think of her guilt or innocence, but the article certainly contains a lot of disturbing information about how the trial was conducted.

Also UK twitter keeps being like ā€œjust read this article, itā€™s got lots of evidenceā€ and then you read it and it contains absolute dogshit quality evidence, so that is really not helping with my skepticism of how this prosecution was conducted.

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Ok makes sense, I donā€™t do the precheck or Clear stuff.

Lol raw milk, jesus christ humanity

UK reddit, or at least some people, says the article is BS and itā€™s a strong case.

There are folks that come over from Amish/Mennonite farms and meet people at a local park to sell the raw milk.

Now that Iā€™ve been educated on how Amish puppy mills operate, no in hell am I drinking raw milk from such sources. You can guarantee that there is little to no adequate sanitation and quality control (ie micro testing)

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Iā€™m aware of this, but I have never seen any of them substantiate this. The ones that have linked summaries have been incredibly unimpressive.

There are allegations of her falsifying timing records and stuff, but I havenā€™t seen a good summary of this. Workplace documents are inaccurate all the time. Itā€™s one of those cases where you ask them for their strongest piece of evidence and it sucks, then theyā€™re like ā€œOK but we have 100 other pieces of evidence that also suckā€.

Iā€™m wary of this shit because of this woman in Australia called Kathleen Folbigg, who had all four of her children die in infancy, and was subsequently convicted of killing them, largely on the basis of her diaries:

In the diary entries, Folbigg wrote that ā€œstress made me do terrible thingsā€ and said of her fourth child Laura in December 1997: ā€œSheā€™s a fairly good natured baby, thank goodness, it will save her from the fate of her siblings. I think she was warned.ā€

On January 28, 1998, Folbigg wrote that she was ā€œvery depressed with myself, angry and upsetā€ after she had ā€œlost itā€ with Laura.

ā€œScared that sheā€™ll leave me now. Like Sarah did. I knew I was short tempered and cruel sometimes to her and she left. With a bit of help.ā€

It later turned out that two of her kids had genetic mutations linked to heart problems and the other two had mutations linked to early onset lethal epilepsy. There was never any real evidence that she had killed them, everyone just assumed that 4 in a row could not be chance, and it was in fact her own husband who originally reported her after reading her diaries. She wrote what she wrote because she was a ā€œthings happen for a reasonā€ person, which is alien to those of us with a scientific/gambling mindset. Folbigg was exonerated after 20 years in prison after 100 medical and scienfitic luminaries signed a letter demanding she be pardoned.

Itā€™s the same with Letby. There are notes they have where she has scrawled ā€œI AM EVIL I DID THISā€. This doesnā€™t mean anything to me, but itā€™s very compelling evidence to some people.

Itā€™s organic, local, and very expensive. I wouldnā€™t usually buy it and probably never will again. The H5N1 in Texas cows news had just hit so I was a little apprehensive. But we used to drink it as kids when we went to Mexico to visit relatives and itā€™s actually pretty tasty. Also the jar is nice.

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No masks in North Carolina.

Lol I know multiple people that continue to wear masks outside because it helps with their allergies.

Good thing seasonal allergies arenā€™t a thing in North Carolina.


Australiaā€™s richest woman seeks removal of her portrait from exhibition



La la la, just ealking wlong minding my own business and, whoops! Fell headlong into another pandemic. Who could have possibly seen this coming?

This has what I thought was the clearest evidence.

That article seems to deliberately cherry pick lines from the doctors who criticised her.

As far as I knew, one theme here was having a bunch of doctors of color making clear, evidence based claims based on their decades of experience, and then the nice white nurse being defended and allowed to murder kids over and over again.

Like, the stuff is complicated, because these were sick kids. But you had a bunch of doctors review the evidence and say , there were extremely unusual events and extremely unusual symptoms recorded (e.g.the air on the spine) all with the collapses occuring EXACTLY when Lucy was in the room alone with the babies.

It wasnt just that her kids died more, it was that they all crashed and died minutes after she was alone with them, in ways that were not consistent with normal sick kids, together with a bunch of medical evidence.

She wasnā€™t convicted on many of the counts, because the evidence didnā€™t meet the higher standard of criminal guilt


She also falsified records in an attempt to conceal that she was in the room when some of the babies.

And she had the notes in her house

I feel like if you see all the evidence and donā€™t think sheā€™s guilty youā€™re basically this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHQljMOQdJ4

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Itā€™s easy to start from a position of ā€œthe medical field makes mistakesā€ but this case has that. Most specifically incompetent white senior management refusing to listen to brown doctors.

Beyond that. Would I say that thereā€™s no chance itā€™s a huge coincidence? Probably not, stranger things have happened,

What I do know with 100% certainty is that us reading a bunch of news articles is going to be significantly worse at finding the truth than a bunch of doctors and a months long court case in a mostly functional legal system.

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I agree this kind of thing is the best evidence, but again what we basically have here is doctors saying we canā€™t explain how this happened and have arrived at injected air through a process of elimination. Thatā€™s the way it has to be given the nature of the case, but I would want to be extremely careful using this sort of reasoning as the basis to convict someone of murder.

What I think about the case is that there is a core of good evidence and a mountain of bullshit piled on top of it, and I would probably need to be at trial to decide if thereā€™s enough there after sifting through the bullshit. I still think the answer to this is probably yes, but the article definitely gave me pause.

I read that article differently. Mainly because on the parts I did know, it seemed very wrong.

I.e Iā€™d read a lot about the doctors who raised the alarm. she quoted them exclusively negatively with things like ā€œwe donā€™t have evidence, itā€™s purely coincidenceā€ or whatever bullshit it was, when they were much more evidence based and detailed.