2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I just saw a blurb about Michaels saying the saxophone break in that song is the music he was most proud of writing.



That ipad ad.
Just have CGI show all those things FLOWING into the ipad - not being CRUSHED to make it.
You’re welcome Tim Cock! That one’s free. Just fire those dozens of $500k/yr ad execs and hire me for a cool mill/yr. I’ll get your advertising shit in order.


A popular edit of the ad is just playing it in reverse.

PBF made that ad like a decade ago (NSFW)



This is the sort of news I wish the media reported on.

First thought: We have 1,000 combat troops in Niger??

I know West Africa is a hotbed of Islamist extremism,(and East and North Africa too, for that matter), and I’ve heard vague assertions that Russian paramilitary/special forces/whatever Wagner is now is operating in theater.

I’ve also read that China is making staggering infrastructure investments in exchange for mineral and rare earth element rights.

There’s probably an ongoing genocide in Sudan, or South Sudan, or anywhere else in sub-Saharan Africa,

And even very online, media-literate American consumers of news have no idea, and obviously don’t care.

He broke containment






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  1. No way greear’s mom gives a shit
  2. Look, I don’t want to say anything obviously defamatory about Greear, but his age, the age of his first child, the ages of their mother is pretty fucked up but legal… in Michigan
  3. The 2+2 post about #2 is fucking gross
  4. Still has some heat:


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greear seems like he’s probably median voter, pretty depressing stuff

So once again you americans missed out on the genius of the Eurovision. This year added bonus of I/P protests outside and inside the venue.

And for the first time ever, a contestent was disqualified. The Dutch singer was DQ’d after he supposedly got into some physical altercation with a female photographer.

The winner from Switzerland. Non-binary rapper named Nemo

Runner up, the rock band Baby Lasagna. I think they won the phone vote, but Switzerland did much better with the Judges.


Still missing out after your post, since Americans can’t watch those YouTube videos.

I’ll admit I know nothing about Eurovision but am curious has it ever generated a long term famous singer or song?

Have you heard of ABBA?

Interesting. Didn’t know they came from that.

Also, Celine Dion.

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Boo. Does the edited links work?

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