2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Dude, it’ll do 1600 nits!

I can understand the feeling of loss as one technology replaces another but really, that’s been going on our entire lives.

And I get mine next Wednesday and you guys are creeping me out.

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My issue is more with our societal descent into screen-addicted nothingness, and the fact that this commercial openly celebrates that.


Is this some sort of limit holdem AI ranking?


The idea that technology replaces a bunch of widgets isn’t bad, but crux of marketing is how do you want to represent that idea? The conceptual faux pas with the video is it represents it as a loss instead of a gain. That your grandparent’s piano, your childhood watercolors, etc are nothing more than a clunker car in a junkyard getting crushed into a cube.


That makes sense, none of the stuff there had any emotional weight for me so that aspect of it didn’t register. Apple isn’t usually that tone deaf.

Oh no, Lauren Southern isnt going to be a tradwife anymore. Whatever will we do?

I just assumed the Tradwife stuff was just cosplay for social media, kind of terrifying to realize some of these women are actually living that lifestyle.

sriously. i follow a ton of music creators online, everyone uses an ipad to expand what they can do. the tech is now good enough that a tone-deaf amateur musician (me) can use it to sound better than ever have before.

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Yeah, but that advert is still really fucking shit!

Can’t believe it got past multiple levels of scrutiny before release. These fuckers really live in a different universe.

I have no idea why people are so upset at this commercial. Is there some kind of dog whistle that’s imperceptible to the vast majority of people?

People don’t like seeing something they value crushed by a hydraulic press. You may not like that stuff, but imagine if it were puppies or something.

Maybe it’s a dog whistle that’s imperceptible to a small minority of people?..

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Seems pretty unlikely.

I think it’s because the criticism feels deep to those making it. “It’s literally crushing good things!”. I kinda liked the ad even though I think it’s a bad idea, which makes me think that it’s probably gonna be successful (cuz I’d be a terrible marketer).

I don’t really see the comparison between watching some random media objects being crushed and watching a puppy being crushed.

But clearly it has the “nails on the blackboard” effect on some people.

I don’t think it’s a very deep criticism, it’s just a big corporation smashing beautiful things makes us feel bad. .

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I agree. But I do think it feels deep to those making it. As if Apple totally missed that (obvious) possible interpretation.

Is a trad wife different than a normal stay at home mom or dad?

I would say so, but perhaps it depends on what you consider normal.

Someone who is an equal partner but just splitting up house hold duties differently.