2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Western Avenue is a fun drive to take a visitor on to get a slice of real LA life.

yeah, i would do that too if was eating a grapefruit, but if i were doing prep for something, iā€™d use a knife and a cutting board.

whatā€™s changed in the past decade?

driving on the freeway just now, saw a big dog with its head sticking way out of the window of a car, it looked like it had both front paws on the window standing out of it. i said, ā€œthatā€™s dangerousā€ and moved into the lane behind the car with plenty of space so i could avoid a catastrophic freeway pileup in case the houndā€™s natural instincts take over, causing it to leap into rush hour traffic.

and thatā€™s when i realized itā€™s not a big dog, itā€™s a man with half his body hanging out of the window and heā€™s got his arm stretched out heā€™s clearly taking a selfie or video. so iā€™m watching from a safe distance for a few seconds as the guy loses grip of his phone. i was able to clearly see it come out of his hands and slide on the pavement at 75mph as i drove over it

i just hope he was streaming and not taking a photo or video, cause at least heā€™d have the content. content is very important to young people today.


OK I loled. I had never seen this



Looks like some major storms hitting tornado alley today. Hope our friends around there are staying safe.

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Lol believing in tornados. Just another government psyop conditioning us to stay indoors and follow Big Brother - aka the Emergency Broadcast System. Do some research bro.

Kids are ok.


Lol Ohio State, what Les wasnā€™t available?

Panā€™s LinkedIn profile also listed previous stints as a senior associate at McKinsey & Company, marketing director for PepsiCo China, and program manager for Facebook.

The speakerā€™s latest work involves his own company, MyIntent, which crafts braided bracelets with custom messages on them. Pan announced toward the end of his speech that he would give away a bracelet to every attendee in the stadium.

The last time the tornado sirens went off for me, I was outside sitting on a bench in public. I just kept chilling for maybe 10-15 minutes until I non chalantly went inside. Never even got any rain, presumably because my tinfoil hat protected me.

good lord this seems like a really downmarket commencement speaker for a brand name university

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LOL, prior commencement speakers include Neil Armstrong, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford (less than a month after taking office!), John Glenn, William McKinley, and Barack Obama. Presidents, astronauts, and this random crypto d-bag.

Also, someone fell from the top of the stadium and died, which is unimaginably tragic for that personā€™s family on what should have been a celebratory day.

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Exactly. Iā€™m gonna go full McMahon.

Iā€™m truly at a loss how any of this happened. How is that guy the speaker, how is that speech approved, how does a kid fall out the top of the stadium? Totally incomprehensible to me.


The guy is a certifiable moron.

Itā€™s fucking embarassing.


Clearly you havenā€™t seen his bracelets!

I posted an article about the guy in the education thread, explains some of it.

I stand corrected.

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Thanks, Biden.

Wouldnā€™t change much. Skill >>> athleticism. One of the GOAT is Messi, a 5ā€™6ā€ guy. USA is typically one of the more athletic teams every year, but they lack the skill.

Fwiw US youth development has taken a huge step forward and the results of this are finally about to come through

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