2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

That technique is terrible.

  1. Cut it in half and put it in a bowl as shown.
  2. Use a very sharp, serrated, short-bladed paring knife around the sides (not a steak knife).
  3. Keep going around the sides in a spiral pattern, cutting deeper and curling in a bit with each pass (this is the technique part), until you’ve cut down to the bottom center and the fruit disconnects from the rind. The goal is to retain as much of the fruit as possible. It usually takes about three times around.
  4. Sometimes there will still be rind on the bottom, cut that off.
  5. Slice into 6 or 8 sections, depending on size. Try to follow the natural section lines as much as possible.
  6. Enjoy!

This is the kind of knife you want. It doesn’t need big serrations like a steak knife, but it shouldn’t be totally smooth.

This is the way. It’s a bit more work, but worth it. I’ll eat a lot more grapefruit once I can afford a dedicated fruit peeling servant.


I’m surprised more oline and dline nfl players don’t learn how to sumo. Not sure stroud as a qb needs it much.

Pie > cake


Yeah it seemed like the sumo guy got a little cocky on that second bout. He thought he had a throw locked up and forgot he was dealing with a .000001% freakishly-strong human being. When the throw didn’t work he was off balance and couldn’t recover.

Stay tuned to this channel for more expert sumo analysis.


hell yeah

That’s not a knife…that’s a knife. Sumo wrestler version.



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Yesterday it was 77 F, today it’s snowing. This is a travesty.


exactly what happened. first one man he ate his rush in with his chest :flushed: second one he was inches away from throwing him but his momentum stopped.

micah’s legs tho. he was gonna wear old sumo bro down if they did it a few more times…

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Climate change? You’ve got to be kidding. Look how temperature varies.

That’s just science.

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It’s actually accumulating too, wtf

Yeah, and it’s Sunday afternoon. There should be kids making snowmen and sledding. I was going to say they aren’t because they know this is bullshit too but I actually see one guy out there with his kid and dog. Good for him.

It should be noted that the sumo wrestler in question was not a top wrestler, but a lower- to mid-ranked one (as evidenced by the dark color of his mawashi).

Whether the NFL guy could beat a top-division rkishi is still up for debate. And unlikely.

If I’m ever a billionaire, I would recruit some super big and athletic nfl linemen, and pay them (several multiples of what the could make at football) to go to Japan and become sumo wrestlers.

If some of the African Americans start dominating, I bet we start seeing some of that xenophobia.

It’s not that simple. Anyone wanting to make their way in the world of sumo has to join a heya and do things the strict Japanese way. The average prima donna American athlete could never hack that lifestyle.

In this hypothetical, I’ve got billions. I’d grease the wheels in whatever way was necessary for my personal entertainment.

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OK, how about this. I start a competing sumo organization, which drops all the formalities.

Then I just keep running propaganda about how my champs are the real Yokozunas and would destroy the ones in the conventional system. I also would offer some of those guys piles of cash to leave their stables and join my new org.

This could get bigly expensive for my hypothetical billionaire self, but it’s just money and I’ve got plenty.


There’s already a world sumo league out there, with all of the Japanese tradition stripped out of it and presented more like a modern sport. Former Egyptian rikishi Osunarashi is part of it.

The consensus among the sumo fans I interact with is that there is just not enough interest in sumo outside Japanese sumo for it to work. Would love for that not to be the case though.

I don’t think most sumo skills would translate into the NFL or really any other sport. A lot of the training is how to grapple, sparring, technique, ring sense, etc. Being the strongest or the heaviest isn’t as big an advantage as you might expect. I do think an NFL-caliber pro-athlete could conceivably pick up sumo and do quite well after a bit of training.

My league would be in Japan and only Japan for maximum troll value.

I’m not trying to be economically viable. I’m already a billionaire.