2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

In one of my classes in college, a girl would come every day with an orange. She’d peel it, then pour sugar on each segment.

My friend and I had a creative nickname for her: Orange Girl

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First time I’ve ever seen an athlete from another sport out-sumo a full-grown sumo wrestler when the latter was actually trying.

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Are we related somehow becauss this is exactly right

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Fuck me, he gets in low, gets a belt grip, and uses the belt grip to get leverage. It’s great sumo. I mean he straight-up had better technique.


it’s fucking dessert. “necessary” is not really part of the consideration./


Best fruit dessert is in season ripe strawberries dipped in brown sugar and sour cream.

Is this a euphemism?


there’s only teo acceptable instances of adding sugar to fruit. one is making jams, and second is baking cherry pie. if you find yourself adding sugar in any other instance, you need to up your fruit game.

i love chocolate as much as any of you, but cherry pie might give any chocolate cake a run for its money

It is not something I’d do now, but I do remember putting sugar on grapefruit as a kid which doesn’t seem that crazy.

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grapefruit is so weird it might as well be another category. fwiw, bitter taste comes from the skin and the membrane around the delicious parts. the proper way to avoid it is to cut it all away.

I also remember doing a little sugar on grapefruit as a kid but when i started eating it everday in college i never used sugar. I had a bit of an obsession for a few years, now i never buy it.

Sorbets are easy to make and a great desert

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We had grapefruit trees in our yard. No tools are required to eat it. No sugar. You might want to brush the bird shit off it though. Wash it if you’re fussy.

Bananas foster tho

This is what I did as a kid, but now I peel them like oranges but also peel the skin off each section.

I grew up eating strawberries sprinkled with sugar and when I buy and eat them now the idea of making them sweeter is insane to me.

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I grew up eating Strawberries with sour cream and sugar. Weird combo but it works

I like plain yogurt on fruit. I sprinkle sweetener on it. Similar I think.

Wow! A bunch of dirty, sinning macerators in this crowd.


I put splenda on my grapefruit every morning.