2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

It’s definitely the apex of something.

People sometimes do like best video under 1k or 10k views. I think most surprising over 500M would be interesting.

My kids watched this over and over and used to sing it - years ago when they were kids.

Hey what do y’all think about the economy

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I think we talked about this last year. Boney M was borderline unheard of in the USA, and they were huge in the rest of the world. Think the example I used last time was that “Rasputin” was about as big here in Canada as “Barbie Girl” by Aqua was.

Yeah Boney M was a shock to me the last time Boney M was talked about here

So one thing I have learned of this past week…

UK UPers…

WTF Mr Blobby???

A Great British icon:

Adequately described here:

Retains vast cultural cachet via a series of highly successful theme parks:

I saw a car covered in pro choice stickers the other day. In Texas. I thought it was a bold choice.

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Tattooed face guy makes you think.

Can’t even find a negative comment.

This was posted on FB by a former friend who’s a complete disaster in every phase of her life, and I believe now a convicted felon. And she lives in Florida. So I guess I’m glad she doesn’t vote (assuming she could).

In general, a campaign to convince idiots not to vote can’t be a terrible thing.



Isn’t that guy the really bad MAGA rapper?

If he is then I’m thrilled he’s telling his idiot fanbase not to vote.

holy shit 4.6m followers on Youtube.

Warning extreme cringe

He also did a rap with Ben Shapiro.

Weird you’d think these guys would be all in for Trump. I’m ecstatic he’s telling people not to vote, because that’s siphoning of zero Biden voters.

It was also trending big with a Tik Tok dance around 4 years ago. I know I googled it and watched the video to figure out what the hell the song was.

ridiculous. you can almost see the cocaine sweating out of his pores :joy:

i watched that video 4 or 5 years ago when i was drunk and depressed and in a bad place. i actually remember watching it twice back to back, made me happy for a little bit. there’s a lot of joy on that stage. and drugs. lots of drugs too.

:+1:t3: for sharing, i had forgotten about it.


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no. that’s another guy(tyson james). this guy is a weird maga Canadian that couldn’t cut it in the regular rap game so he pivoted.

NSFW Jesus about to rise again.