2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Because A24 is using AI to make promotional materials and they think you’re too stupid to notice.

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I’m not really sure where this belongs, and it might be speaking to the choir, but I thought this was a really good article addressing the bro-sciency notion that kids getting sick is ultimately good for their long-term health. [I admit to sharing this vibe a little - my daughter tends to get sick less often than my sons do, and I kind of attribute that to her being the only one who spent time in daycare as a young kid. Very un-sciency!]

It has a lot of interesting stats/graphs on changes in childhood mortality over time. I thought this one was particularly striking:

as was the fact that as recently as 1915, 1 in 10 babies died before their first birthday.

Anyway, full article here:


The problem with kids these days is that they just don’t die enough. When I was their age, I was dead!


Was curious about US data. Those damn liberals/capitalists.

Before you take a victory lap with a dumb conclusion on cherrypicked data like you usually do, it should probably be pointed out that the USA is barely in the top 50 (there are less than 200 countries) and is notably behind countries such as russia and belarus. Something you could look up in 2 minutes if you wanted. Just a thought.

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You’re going to bitch about the difference between 5, 3, and 6 deaths per year? Knock yourself out I guess…

I like how it tossed in part of what looks like a golf hole in too.


TBH it is a little surprising that there are no condos or golf courses in Central Park yet.

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Isn’t that all owned by the City? If they didn’t sell it off last century when they were almost broke they aren’t going to do it now…

Trump park after SCOTUS rules in favor of his lawsuit for wrongful prosecution.


For GJ’s post to work it doesn’t need to be the case that communist countries were better at preventing childhood mortality. It still points to capitalism not being the reason for the drop. And the USA has had loads of socialism (education and science) and technology (the real cause here) has advanced in socialized environments (whether they are US Universities or in non-capitalist countries) perhaps more than through capitalism.

Point being a throw away sarcastic comment here as if it is something obvious is unjustified.

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Dunno about Slovenia, but looks like a handful of countries doing best where they might stay the fuck away from other folks a lot. Maybe cos it’s frickin cold (…or the people are).

Iceland, Finland, Norway, Japan, Slovenia.

Beh, it’s the medical science bros who deserve this W.


I literally don’t know who GJ is defending or who simplicitus is attacking here. Arguing why child mortality has gone down in the last 100 years seems to be a great way to pick your favorite reason from a long list of reasons all of which require much more information than any of us has to get close to the right amount of credit to give them. Like, how liberal does a US research university have to be for you to give more credit to Socialism for it instead of Capitalism?

It’s a lot more than that. It’s food. It’s stuff like tractors that make it so farmers don’t have 12 kids and put them all in the fields.

eta: and when medical science bros figure out that malaria or cholera kill people it’s still engineers and labor and government organization and funding that drain swamps and build sanitation systems.

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Simp is the one who took a position on the cause. All anyone else did was say that’s not the only reason. It doesn’t make sense for you to respond to that with “oh yeah, the other thing isn’t the only reason”.

Not sure if this is something Ive heard before and is wrong, or if its right, but don’t females in general have a higher constitution than males?

This might be the one I read

Mars vs. Venus: The Gender Gap in Health - Harvard Health Publishing - Harvard Health.

Are phone calls supposedly from CVS a scam now? I’ve been in the US for two weeks and I keep getting them

Well, my wife certainly believes that she responds to illness with strength, dignity, and a stiff upper lip, while I respond to the slightest sniffle by crawling under a blanket and whimpering for days at a time. So, at least in our household, that’s just an accepted truth.