2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I know he’s not going to be President but he is good at this






Finish him!


Lmao that desantis face at :51

Yeah there was some great middle distance staring during this thing.

I m watching a YouTube series and they are building a house. The new windows have these air bladder things hanging off them. Google is no help. Anyone know what this is? They look like a whoppie cushion.

He got smoked by whitemaninsuit.jpg but he thinks he can beat trump in his own party lol.

Are they underneath the windows? Inflatable to adjust alignment with the sill/level the window, then secure in place and deflate to remove. Or something like that?

Watch from about 6:50. You can see the grey bag on this screen cap. I think they have something to do with the gas between panes maybe? Every window has them on install but they seem to be removed later.

That’s Kramer’s patented oil bladder system


My first thought was they could be for shipping, to keep the windows in place

But look how the smaller windows get smaller balloons. Watching made me think they’re not for shipping protection. But also, while I didn’t see a great zoomed in view, the views I saw did seem unlikely that the balloon holes line up with a hole in the window? Like I had thought maybe the gas between panes is sealed, and the balloons were for pressure (altitude) changes during shipping

Like I’ve hauled bags of potato chips across the continental divide, and they specified a couple routes not to take. Said the bags burst, lmao

I asked coasterDad, who worked in the window industry for a decade, and his best guess is that they are to protect the glass and prevent sagging/damage during shipping.

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Hmm. I don’t think so. They always leave them on for the install. Thanks for asking though. I asked in the YouTube comments too.ill report back.

I don’t normally fail googling this stuff so it’s driving me crazy lol.

Yeah but this doesn’t necessarily mean a whole lot, imo. Maybe the shipper doesn’t compensate for damage if the balloon is removed, if they find damage once installed that they didn’t notice earlier. Or they just didn’t give it much thought. Or some inspector comes by and is like “I wanna see those balloons so I know you didn’t take them off too soon”

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Ya that’s possible. Seem like an odd design if they are to stop breaking. They are always small, roundish (like a whoppie cushion) and installed in the top corner. They don’t even cover 50% of the width.

Right. The size makes me skeptical they’re used for dunnage (the word that was on the tip of my tongue) but I can’t think of anything else really

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I know he mentioned once there is some gas in between panes for insulation. I thought maybe it had something to do with that? They are also high altitude. Maybe some kind of pressure stabilization?

Also, dunnage is a new word for me. That’s doesn’t happen often. Thanks.

I already posted that!

So maybe I could think of something better. But they seem hanging free rather than sealed to the inside

One more strike against dunnage is they are nonstandard shape for dunnage bags

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lol I missed that post! I’ll report back if I ever get confirmation.

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