2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Way less old dues blowdrying their balls too from what I can see.


This such a crazy story.

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She is an escort but has the hands down woat sex position in her username. Disappointing!

We need a global movement to end 69 as a thing. Join up now!


No kink shaming.


Last day of Round 3 of the TV theme tournament and we currently have a tie (Sanford and Son vs. Rawhide) if anybody who hasn’t voted feels like weighing in:

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Sanford and Son theme has got to be in contention for best song, period. They will play that at my funeral.


Any contract lawyers able to take a look at this new build contract I’m about to sign? It’s just a few pages, and I actually doubt I am able to make any modifications based on the market but wanted to do my due diligence. I’m happy to pay a flat fee for a review.

Maybe she is just 55?

Can’t you just hire an attorney that deals with real estate in your locality? Seems like it would be a better use of your money.

Back in the 90s moved to a Chicago burb where it was standard to hire a real estate attorney for a flat fee ($400?). Not common in Michigan Minnesota or PA from experience.

Turns out the seller put the wrong schools on the listing and they was a big difference. We were able to easily back out and get our deposit back. Thankfully the kids started school before closing and we found out in time. Atty paid off big time.

Two times I did a new build in MN, there were no changes allowed. Very hot markets in 2000 and 2005.

I had a hard time finding a lawyer to review the contract for my apartment renovation. Weirdly, the lawyer who handled the transaction didn’t do that kind of work and couldn’t refer me to anyone. I ended up going with a guy I knew through my kids’ preschool who worked for a commercial real estate developer. It seems strange that there aren’t more attorneys that do this type of job and that most homeowners apparently don’t get their construction contracts reviewed.

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What Econ said. This is like a 20 minute or less contract read. It’s hard to find an attorney that will do it even if I paid them $300 an hour. It’s probably unnecessary but feels wrong to sign it without a review.

Smh wtf you talking about

Yeah, I appreciate that it can be a bit difficult, but like econophile, I think you can find someone with a bit of effort.

Alternatively, there are lots of online services that do contract review. They probably won’t even use AI to do it. If you strike out, I guess you could always do that.

I should also say that I have a 2/2 success rate with the approach that failed econ. That is, call someone for legal work, they say they can’t do it, then they offer me a referral to someone who can and that person ends up doing it.

In both my cases, the reason they first firm couldn’t do it was that they had a conflict of interest, which is different from the problem you are running into. So, my experience may not apply.

I’m not an attorney but I did stay a Holiday Inn Express last night (I do a lot of contract/agreement/deal review, negotiations etc). The problem with “hey, can you just take a quick look at this?” is that if there are issues it’s going to become more involved. And really there are always some issues, it’s just a question of how big they are, how motivated everybody is, etc. As a professional, it’s really hard for me to take a “light” look at something - I’m either doing my job, which is a careful examination, or I’m not. And from a liability standpoint if an attorney says “yeah no huge red flags” and then something happens, they’re justifiably worried it will come back and bite them in the ass.


The best approach is probably just to read it closely yourself. If it’s unfair or has major loopholes for them, it’s usually evident. Then you just exit the deal rather than fixing the contract.

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I thought the market for lawbros isn’t that great. Surely there is someone for whom this job wouldn’t be too small.

It sounds like tilted would pay for thorough review and dealing with any issues that arise. It just seems like even that would be a small job that many would not find worth their time. But I’d be surprised if there were no one. Maybe that’s just the way things are in his neck of the woods.

So looks like France is narrowly avoiding a Nazi takeover?

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